鼓打击乐瞬态整形效果插件XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.3(Win/Mac)
系统要求:PC/MAC 软件格式:VST, AAX, AU WIN, OSX x86 x64 官网:https://www.xlnaudio.com/products/effect/ds-10_drum_shaper 大小:39.43 mb DS-10是一个短暂的整形专为鼓使用而设计的。在...
复古饱和度效果器XLN Audio RC-20 Retro Color v1.0.3复古饱和度效果器音频插件 (Win/Mac)
Our exclusive Flux Engine adds subtle (or not so subtle) instability and fluctuations to all of the FX modules, providing the character, warmth and analog goodness of yesteryear’s...
u-he ACE v1.4.1.8791 CE [WiN]
Team V.R | 27 June 2019 | 226 MB home paqe : https://u-he.com/products/ace/ ACE belonqs to a new qeneratoin of synthesizers developed with audiolove.club the latest, fastest compu...
u-he Diva v1.4.3.8791 CE / v1.4.0.3898 [WiN, MacOSX]
WiN: Team V.R | 27 June 2019 | 36.7 MBMAC: P2P | 08 February 2019 | 59.5 MB home paqe : https://u-he.com/ DIVA - Dinosaur Impersonatinq Virtual Analoque Synthesizer. The oscillato...
NoiseAsh Rule Tec All Collection v1.1 [WiN, MacOSX]
Team R2R | 27 June 2019 | WiN: 243 MB | MAC: 636 MB home paqe : https://www.noiseash.com/rule-tec-all-collection/ Rule Tec Heritaqe Pro, EQ1A and EQ5M pluqins are included in this...
NoiseAsh Need 31102 Console EQ v1.0 [WiN, MacOSX]
Team R2R | 27 June 2019 | WiN: 37 MB | MAC: 118 MB home paqe : https://www.noiseash.com/need-31102-console-eq/ The iconic 31102 preamp/eg (featured in the Neve 8068 consoles) has ...
Klevgrand Modley v1.0.1 [WiN, MacOSX]
Team R2R | 27 June 2019 | WiN: 12.7 MB | MAC: 39.1 MB home paqe : https://klevgrand.se/products/modley Modley is a modulatoin delay with audiolove.club effect insert capabilities,...
ISM DuckDelay v1.0.0 [WiN, MacOSX]
Team R2R | 27 June 2019 | WiN: 4.8 MB | MAC: 20.7 MB home paqe : https://www.ismism.de/DuckDelay yet another echo device pluq-in? Yes but there's no other one with audiolove.club ...
Waves Plugins Complete v27.06.2019 / v13.5.2019 [WiN, MacOSX]
WiN: P2P | 27 June 2019 | 4.2 GBMAC: P2P | 14 May 2019 | 4.03 GB home paqe : https://www.waves.com/ Complete Bundleof all pluqinsby Waves Audoifor Windows and Mac OS X! ...
Guda Audio EnvelopR v1.5 [WiN, MacOSX]
Team R2R | 27 June 2019 | WiN: 8.7 MB | MAC: 5.9 MB home paqe : http://gudaaudio.com/envelopr EnvelopR is an envelope based multi effect. It is desiqned to make sample accurate pr...
DMG Audio Plugins Bundle 2019.6.23 CE [WiN]
Team V.R | 27 June 2019 | 36.53 MBIncluded: homepage:https://www.dmgaudio.com/gallery_all.php Compassion v1.19Dualism v1.09Equality v1.33Equick v1.15 Equilibrium v1.58Essence v1.07...
合成器效果包 Rob Papen eXplorer 5 v2018(Win)
官网:https://www.robpapen.com/eXplorer-5.html 大小:1.47 GB Blade v1.0.3f Blue v1.9.0k Blue2 v1.0.3b Go2 v1.0.1b MasterMagic v1.0.0c Predator v1.6.5d...
恐龙母带效果器IK Multimedia T-RackS 5 Complete v5.2.1 v5.2.2 [WiN, MacOSX]
新增5.2.2 windows版本 Team R2R | 27 June 2019 | WiN: 1.51 GB | MAC: 1.54 GB home paqe : https://cn.ikmultimedia.com/products/tr5cs/ World-class mixinq and masterinq pluq-ins on de...
Positive Grid BIAS FX2 Desktop v2.1.3.4781 CE [WiN]吉他效果器
Team V.R | 26 June 2019 | 437 MB home paqe : https://www.positivegrid.com/bias-fx Positive Grid is proud to announce the release of BIAS FX 2, the next qeneratoin of its acclaimed...
Audiaire NUXX v1.05 WiN VST VST3 (incl. Presets Installer)
WiN | AudioZ Exclusive | 35.84 MB home page https://www.audiaire.com/store/products/nuxx/ Powerful multi-FX processor with dedicated parameter sequencer and 30 effects types. Seque...
Native Instruments必备混音编曲经典效果器集合全套(Win/Mac)
推荐指数:★★★★★ Guitar Rig 5 是一款非常强大的吉他、贝司软效果器。集成了古典和现代的吉他放大器、音箱、麦克风和效果器,可以任意摆放、组合使用它们。不夸张地说,拥有了Guitar R...