Sonokinetic Voices Of Israel KONTAKT 以色列女声
For the first time in sampling history, Sonokinetic is proud to present this unique and one of a kind female vocals sample library. FIlled with intriguing, mysterious and authentic...
Sonokinetic Yemenite KONTAKT 也门人声音源
With this library Sonokinetic is back where it all beqan. At the cradle of cultural history we found another intriquinq and mystical local art form. Mr. Abraham Acharak blessed us ...
Sonokinetic Ethnic Tigris & amp Euphrates美索不达米亚人声
试听 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjY4MDczNzIw.html Sonokinetic Ethnic Tigris and Euphrates KONTAKT | 2.35 Gb Sonokinetic’s very unique and one of a kind, richly sampled Middle E...
YAMAHA Vocaloid 5 ESV v5.2.1 WiN+MAC+音色库/v5.0.2.1 歌声合成器
系统要求:PC/MAC 软件格式:64位,独立程序,AU.VST PC/MAC 厂家:http://www.vocaloid.com/en/ 大小:PC,14.06 GB, 时间:2018年12月20日 1533339213_vocaloid5top.png (36.35 KB, 下载次数: ...
YAMAHA Vocaloid 5 ESV v5.2.1 +音色库 歌声合成器 (Win/Mac)
系统要求:PC/MAC 软件格式:64位,独立程序,AU.VST PC/MAC 官网:http://www.vocaloid.com/en/ 大小:PC,14.06 GB, VoCalID5有4个语音库(日语/英语),超过1000个声乐短语和超过1000个音频样...
8DIO系列人声音色合集,均为KONTAKT入库,更多详情请访问官网 : https://8dio.com/ 8Dio Studio Sopranos 推荐指数:★★★★★ 8Dio Studio Sopranos标志着新一代的合唱团采样的开始。 声音从...
【盖亚草莓男高音】Soundiron Voice of Gaia Bryn KONTAKT
homepage:http://soundiron.com/products/voice-of-gaia-bryn SYNTHiC4TE 版Soundiron Voice of Gaia : Bryn KONTAKT (3.97 GB) Voice Of Gaia: Bryn is an eclectic male tenor solo ...
【古老的理发店男声四重奏】Soundiron Questionably Barbershop KONTAKT
homepage:http://soundiron.com/products/questionably-barbershop iND 版 Soundiron Questionably Barbershop KONTAKT (955 MB) Questionably Barbershop is a simple 4-piece male vo...
【金星交响女子合唱团】Soundiron Venus Symphonic Women’s Choir KONTAKT
Soundiron Venus Symphonic Women’s Choir | 27GB Soundiron是自豪地介绍他们的一系列功能强大,灵活和精美的采样音色库:金星交响女子合唱团的最新篇章。Soundiron加入了以前的合唱团...
【奥林巴斯迈克·罗男高音独唱】Soundiron Olympus Mike-Ro Solo Tenor KONTAKT
AUDIOXiMiK 版 Soundiron Olympus Mike-Ro Solo Tenor KONTAKT (117 MB) We’re proud to bring you the wondrous wonder of wonderfulness that is Olympus Mike-Ro Solo, a super...
【异国情调独唱女中音】Soundiron Voice of Gaia Francesca Genco KONTAKT
Soundiron – Voice of Gaia Francesca KONTAKT | 4.59 GBVoice Of Gaia: Francesca Genco is an all-new exotic female solo mezzo-soprano library featuring the esteemed vocal talents o...
【独唱男低音】Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Bass KONTAKT
Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Bass KONTAKT (5.31 GB) homepage:http://soundiron.com/products/voice-of-rapture-the-bass Voice of Rapture: The Bass is a solo operatic bass vo...
【交响乐儿童合唱团】Soundiron Mercury Elements Player Edition KONTAKT
Soundiron Mercury Elements Player Edition KONTAKT | 1.88 Gb MercuryElements is an exquisitely recorded boys’ chorus for Native Instruments Kontakt and Kontakt Player, ha...
Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir KONTAKT水星童声合唱
Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir 男童声合唱 这是一款男童声合唱音色。包含了各种发音口型和音色。 可以用来制作影视音乐、游戏音乐。史诗音乐使用。 音色很棒。 KONTAKT版本6.03以上,体积15.5G
Strezov Sampling系列人声音源合集
Strezov Sampling 系列人声音源合集,均为KONTAKT入库,更多详情请访问官网: http://www.strezov-sampling.com Strezov Sampling Tropar 推荐指数:★★★☆☆ tropar一词来自希腊语“赞词”,是...
Tonehammer Didgeridoo KONTAKT 呼麦特效
相信大家应该对呼麦印象很深,尤其是在一些蒙古族风格的音乐中更是常见,这套音色有大量的呼麦特效,而且效果还不错哦。 Kontkat非标准音色库,需要用工具入库。