8Diо Adagietto KONTAKT弦乐合奏
8Diо Adagietto KONTAKT | 11.9 Gb 完整的弦乐合奏 ADAGIETTO音色库是一款强大的、易用的、基于深度采样和具有高度表现力的柔板弦乐合奏音色库。由奥斯卡奖获得者TEC、G.A.N.G获奖作曲家Troels...
白金管弦乐全套音源(原版+扩展)East West Quantum Leap Platinum Edition Kontkakt 版【135G】
难以置信的真实管弦乐!老牌音色库制作厂商East West推出的旗帜管弦乐音色库:Symphonic Orchestra,制作人Keith O.Johnson博士是录音界的传奇人物,获得过两次GRAMMY奖和8次GRAMMY提名,制作了...
East West Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold黄金管弦免安装版
East West公司的白金版(Platinum Editon)管弦乐音色插件一直风靡整个音乐创作界,因为到目前为止还没有一套管弦乐音色可以完全超越这套软件,但是令人头疼的是19张DVD之巨的白金版如果想很好...
8Dio Studio Solo Violin KONTAKT 独奏小提琴
8Dio Studio Solo Violin KONTAKT | 2.97 GB 8Dio已经发布了Studio Solo Violinkontakt独奏小提琴,里面包含了由著名小提琴手Thomas Yee录制的4000多个采样音色。现在的价格为$149。 Studio Sol...
8Diо Claire Oboe Virtuoso KONTAKT 克莱尔双簧管音源
资源格式:WiN32/64 - VST/AAX/MAC/KONTAKT 资源大小:4.39 GB 适用平台:Pc MAC 欢迎来我们的新克莱尔演奏木管乐器系列由艾美奖提名的作曲家,柯林O'Malley。克莱尔木管乐器系列是一个深采样收...
8Dioboe KONTAKT 双簧管
Produced by Colin O’Malley and Troels Folmann, the 8Dioboe VST is an evocative instrument based on the raw and emotional approaches to sampling that we’ve explored in our Adagio ...
Cinesamples CineStrings Solo True Legato FULL UNLOCKED imac-ruslan (KONTAKT) WIN/OSX
imac-ruslan | UNLOCKED | 13.62 GB | KONTAKT home page:https://cinesamples.com/product/cinestrings-solo FOR LICENSED KONTAKTFOR NON LICENSED KONTAKTINDEPENDED INSTRUMENT
Neocymatics Hybrid Strings [KONTAKT]
Team KRock 23 October 2014 | 704 MB home paqe : https://www.neocymatics.com/index.php/78-news/8-hybrid-strings After a lonq peroid of detailed research, development and fine-tunin...
Vir2 Instruments Violence [KONTAKT]
Team DYNAMiCS | December 2010 | 798 MB home paqe : http://www.vir2.com/instruments/violence/ Created for both musical use and sound desiqn, Voilence features an unprecedented deco...
HALion Symphonic Orchestra 黑龙管弦乐最新版本
这是一套细腻的管弦乐音色,体积很小,但效果非常棒,有非常的演奏技巧控制,并且本身没有混响,所以用来制作是极为方便啊! 试听: 支持Windows及Mac 文件大小: PC:5G Mac:5G
【现代乐团】Audio Imperia JAEGER Hangar 4 (Vocals By Merethe Soltvedt) [KONTAKT]升级包
P2P | 30 May 2019 | 567 MB Since Jaeqer's release, the library has received praise form users and reviewers alike and we have received an overwhelminq amount of emails and messaqes...
8Dio CAGE Woodwinds [KONTAKT]
TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 04 June 2017 | 7.71 GB home paqe : https://8dio.com/instrument/cage-woodwinds/ Welcome to CAGE– the most comprehensive collectoin of Orchestral Effect...
Embertone Blakus Cello 24-bit Edition KONTAKT
KONTAKT - 5,82 GB home page: https://embertone.com/instruments/blakuscello.php Cello is one of our FAVORITE instruments in the orchestra. It has an unbelievably wide emotional ran...
Embertone Friedlander Violin v1.5 Combo Edition KONTAKT
KONTAKT - 6,85 GB home page: https://embertone.com/instruments/friedlanderviolin.php We set out to create a virtual violin with malleable, intuitive controls, and an authentic, LI...
ProjectSAM Symphobia KONTAKT 恐惧交响乐1-3代合集
一代:19.9GB 二代:22.3GB 三代:37GB 四代: 70.79 GB https://www.yinsebar.com/30954.html 这套音色追念了众多管弦乐中的元素,包括很多的铺底和乐句,以及一些特别炫的单乐器音色,质...
8Dio Productions Mark Deutschs Bazantar [KONTAKT]
Team KRock | 16 September 2012 | 3.41 GB home paqe : https://8dio.com/instrument/the-new-bazantar/ Welcome to Mark Deutsch’s Bazantar. The Bazantar is a custom five-strinq acoust...