包含:hiss and a roar、Big Room、Cinetool等知名音效厂商音效系列全套共200G,终生会员可下载 homepage:https://hissandaroar.com/v3/
8Dio Silka Choir KONTAKT
Silka is produced by Academy Award, TEC and G.A.N.G Award Winning Composer and Producer, Troels Folmann. Silka is a new-generation, deep-sampled choral library dedicated ...
Native Instruments Mysteria v1.0.0 DVDR [KONTAKT]
FANTASTiC | 13 February 2020 | 27.6 GB MYSTERIA is a one-of-a-kind cinematic instrument that captures the human voice’ s unique ability to convey unmediated emotion. Play unusual ...
Silence Other Sounds STRINGACHE [KONTAKT]
Team DECiBEL | 20 January 2020 | 1.48 GB HORROR STRING NOISESStringache is a modern horror library of mangled string noises. We've used close microphone techniques to record a huge...
BigWerks Book of Sounds IV [KONTAKT]
Team DECiBEL | 23 January 2020 | 861.0 MB B.O.S IV kontakt library is the last installment of the Book Of Sounds series.This kontakt library is loaded with breathtaking sounds, ama...
IK Multimedia Spaceport 77 Sound Content [HYBRID]
Team R2R | 04 December 2019 | 2.32 GB home paqe : https://cn.ikmultimedia.com/products/stspaceport77/ Sci-fi-inspired analog keyboard sounds designed for use with SampleTank 4Expan...
Zero-G Sequential Signals MULTiFORMAT影视声音库
系统要求:PC/MAC 软件格式:ACID, APPLE LOOPS, AIFF, EXS24, HALION, KONTAKT FILES, REASON, WAV, NNXT 厂家:https://zero-g.co.uk/products/sequential-signals-cinematic-cycles 大小:1....
Impact Soundworks Super Audio Cart KONTAKT 经典视频游戏音色
The most complete set of classic video game samples ever produced. Features seven legendary systems from the 70s to early 90s, unparalleled accuracy, and a powerful synth engi...
Sonokinetic Project Infinity KONTAKT电影氛围音效
Sonokinetic Project Infinity KONTAKT | 2.5 Gb 电影音效、气息和领域,大繁荣崩溃和东北风,动力学节奏无人机和湿罗音,您命名它,它可能是那里。在项目无限智能音效设计是与作曲家视图合并在...
Sonokinetic Maasai KONTAKT马赛之声
世界民族音源 Sonokinetic Maasai KONTAKT 资源格式:WiN32/64 – VST/AAX 非洲乃是人类的发源地,同时也是所有音乐的摇篮。sonokinetic公司推出的本音色库录制于肯尼亚深处的当地部落,这里拥...
Sonokinetic Ethnic Tigris & amp Euphrates美索不达米亚人声
试听http:// http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjY4MDczNzIw.html Sonokinetic Ethnic Tigris and Euphrates KONTAKT | 2.35 GbSonokinetic’s very unique and one of a kind, richly sampled Mi...
Sonokinetic Carousel KONTAKT 游乐场风琴
“Carousel” a fairground barrel organ. This library will give you full access to an original authentic Carousel barrel organ to compose your music with. Without hiring a music rol...
Sonokinetic Cop Radio KONTAKT电影音效警察对讲机
All completely re-edited and ready for ANY compo you create!!” gRAB ‘EM UP, THESE ARE BIG FUN!! Includez: 44×24 bit wav samplesSweet ass GUI / EFx outfront!!Built for kontakt 2 ...
Tonehammer Didgeridoo KONTAKT 呼麦特效