Impact Soundworks Celestia Heavenly Sound Design KONTAKT 大气合成器音色
Impact Soundworks - Celestia: Heavenly Sound Design | 5.95 GB The ideal tool for atmospheric, ethereal, haunting, and evocative instruments! Over 550 hand-crafted sounds ranging fr...
Native Instruments Straylight v1.0.0 KONTAKT音景库
系统要求:PC/MAC 软件格式:KONTAKT 厂家:https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/synths/straylight/ 大小:2.33 GB 时间:2019年5月26日 SOUNDSCAPES, TONES, TRANSITION...
8Dio Blendstrument Motion Textures KONTAKT
8Dio Blendstrument Motion Textures KONTAKT | 7.32 Gb Blendstrument Motion Textures 版是围绕一个先进的PULSE架构创建的,允许仪器在不同样本之间的PULSE与DAW主机速度同步。此外,它还包含...
8Dio Rhythmic Aura 2 KONTAKT环境背景音源
资源格式:KONTAKT 资源大小:860 MB 适用平台:Pc MAC https://8dio.com/instrument/new-rhythmic-aura-2-for-kontakt-vst-au-aax-samples/ 新的艺术光环2–合成版是由学院奖,技术和g.a.n.g获...
8Dio Free Radicals KONTAKT
Free Radicals是一款新一代软音源,它是8Dio与有才能的论坛团体共同合作创建,一半是由100多位声音设计师创作,另一半由8Dio内部创作。该音色库将是你碰到的最黑暗的音色,如果你在黑暗音乐中、...
打击乐音源 8Diо Wrenchenspiel KONTAKT
资源格式:KONTAKT 资源大小:442 MB 适用平台:Pc MAC https://8dio.com/instrument/wrenchenspiel/ Wrenchenspiel是一个自定义的仪器,包含大量的31个深度采样的扳手,… …扳手!扳手被修改...
FXpansion Geist 2 Factory Content [Geist] [WiN, MacOSX]
Team R2R | 11 August 2016 | 2.41 GB Here you will get Geist2 Factory Content. Geist2 fuses creative sample-sculpting tools with fast pattern step-sequencing and arrangement. Browse...
FXpansion Geist Expanders [Geist]
Team V.R | 08 November 2017 | WiN/MAC | 10.6 GB home paqe : https://www.fxpansion.com/products/geist2/expanders/ Expand your Geist2 installatoin with audiolove.club a ranqe of Exp...
【电影系列第3卷:异形遭遇】Producer Loops Cinematic Series Vol.3 Alien Encounters [ACiD, WAV, MiDi, AiFF, Ableton Live]
FANTASTiC | 28 December 2017 | 662 MB home paqe : https://www.producerloops.com/Download-Producer-Loops-Cinematic-Series-Vol-3-Alien-Encounters.html Cinematic Series Vol 3: Alien ...
SonicCouture Morpheus EXS24 KONTAKT 铝制打击乐器
网址: http://www.soniccouture.com/en/products/g25-morpheus/ 类别:音乐素材 《SonicCouture公司Morpheus音色库》(SonicCouture Morpheus EXS24 KONTAKT DVDR) SonicCouture公司出品的Mor...
Kontkat标准音色库 支持PC及Mac 文件大小:5.57GB 它包含了各类场景的环境效果,比如 草原 雪山 森林……还有不少,并且它不是简单的一个场景效果,而是有非常多这个场景的乐音铺底,相当的漂亮...
Big Fish Audio Zodiac Experimental Sound Design KONTAKT电影特效配乐音源
大小 5.28G 格式 Kontakt 官网https://www.bigfishaudio.com/catalogview.html?:::::::::::::Page=1 Description Zodiac is a unique-sounding Virtual Instrument designed to provide compose...
Zero-G ArcEvolving Soundscapes and Drones MULTiFORMAT电影气氛音源
资源格式:WiN32/64 - VST/AAX/MAC/KONTAKT 资源大小:1.4 GB 适用平台:Pc MAC https://zero-g.co.uk/products/arc 电弧发展音景和无人机是一个惊人的4 GB的音色库充满梦幻般的音乐环境从完全...
Zero-G ETHERA Soundscapes KONTAKT惊奇之声
Zero-G ETHERA Soundscapes KONTAKT | 13.5GB ethera音景带您进入迷人的男性和女性的声音,一个神奇的世界,你的电影和电子合成器的声音组成。ethera音景是一个巨大的14 GB的音乐图书馆创造了世...
Zero-G Distant Lights MULTiFORMAT宏伟科幻氛围素材
Zero-G Distant Lights MULTiFORMAT | 3.55 Gb Zero-G Distant Lights is a magnificent collection of sci-fi atmospheres, ambiences and fx. Created by one of our leading sound designers...
TrackGod Sound Heavy Hybrid Trap Expansion [TrackGod]
SYNTHiC4TE | 17 July 2018 | WiN: 1.91 GB | MAC: 2.42 GB home paqe : https://www.trackgodsound.com/product/heavy-hybrid-trap/ This isn’t your averaqe ‘trap’ bankIt’s called Hyb...