
Atom Hub Toolshed v2 KONTAKT工具库音效-音色插件资源网

Atom Hub Toolshed v2 KONTAKT工具库音效

METALS - shovels, rakes, spades, tools, nails, buckets, bins, tins, tacks… WOOD - handles, barres, door hits, screeches, squeaks, knocks, beam hits, drawer rustles… LO-FI - The o...
Atom Hub The Bell From Shelf架子上的钟音效-音色插件资源网

Atom Hub The Bell From Shelf架子上的钟音效

I found this thing on a shelf obviously :-). We used it occasionally as Santa Claus´s bell for my little Sam, but how it got at my place… I don´t know. My girfriend said, this h...
Atom Hub Snow And Ice KONTAKT冰雪音效-音色插件资源网

Atom Hub Snow And Ice KONTAKT冰雪音效

I love winter. Especially the one with snow :-). And I always loved how it sounded. So during one of my regular winter visits of my faithfull cottage companion Steve the cat, I too...
Atom Hub Microbiology KONTAKT微生物音效-音色插件资源网

Atom Hub Microbiology KONTAKT微生物音效

Have you always wanted to hear the sounds of microbial world ? Did that microspace fascinate you like me ? If your answers are yes, let me introduce my Microbiology - Petri Audio D...
Atom Hub Lost Horizon KONTAKT丢失的地平线音效-音色插件资源网

Atom Hub Lost Horizon KONTAKT丢失的地平线音效

You have these memories inside of you within living memory… The journey you have set off for a long time ago still has not come to an end. You remember endless acres of fields, sl...
Atom Hub Harmogeddon KONTAKT 迷雾.梦幻.海上.的声音-音色插件资源网

Atom Hub Harmogeddon KONTAKT 迷雾.梦幻.海上.的声音

From time to time I stumble upon some of my long time forgotten instruments to suddenly find the way to be used in a creative way, which is often not an easy task when using it liv...
Atom Hub Drunkeytar KONTAKT原声吉他和啤酒音效-音色插件资源网

Atom Hub Drunkeytar KONTAKT原声吉他和啤酒音效

One day I took my acoustic guitar with me for a regular visit to my cottage. Also a microphone and a bottle of beer. After I picked some apples, I have made a fire and heated up, h...
Atom Hub Drumming Fire KONTAK  原子枢纽击鼓火-音色插件资源网

Atom Hub Drumming Fire KONTAK 原子枢纽击鼓火

One of my main ideas always was to find most unusual sounds to make rhythms with or from. One of the sounds that always fascinated me, was a sound of fire, burning, crackling wood....
Atom Hub Cuckoo Clay Bird KONTAKT原子轮毂布谷鸟泥鸟音效-音色插件资源网

Atom Hub Cuckoo Clay Bird KONTAKT原子轮毂布谷鸟泥鸟音效

A long long time ago, when I was a kid, this little birdie was initially bought to me by my father during our visit of Romania sometimes in 1980s. Since those times this cuckoo sit...
Atom Hub Cottage 2 KONTAKT 别墅环境素材-音色插件资源网

Atom Hub Cottage 2 KONTAKT 别墅环境素材

Let´s get back to cottage ! This time I came back with few ideas and also with two microphones to record sounds, which I left unnoticed when recording Cottage for the first time. ...
Atom Hub Cellar KONTAKT酒窖环境音效-音色插件资源网

Atom Hub Cellar KONTAKT酒窖环境音效

A cellar is magical place ! For a recording session I had chosen our own, in my block of flats. Walking downstairs, my intention was to record everything, that got into my hands an...
Atom Hub Bathroom KONTAKT浴室音效-音色插件资源网

Atom Hub Bathroom KONTAKT浴室音效

One of my longtime wishes was to stumble upon a good water library… but I was not satisfied with anything I had found. So I decided to make my own. Just the way I liked it. That m...
Atom Hub A Day In The Park KONTAKT公园的音效-音色插件资源网

Atom Hub A Day In The Park KONTAKT公园的音效

It was nice august day and me and the family decided to spent this day in our town park. It is not large, but rather nice, quiet place to be, to take a walk. Particularly the secti...
BOOM Cinematic Metal Titan 电影金属音效-音色插件资源网

BOOM Cinematic Metal Titan 电影金属音效

系统要求:PC/MAC 软件格式:WAV 厂家:http://www.boomlibrary.com/sound-effects/cinematic-metal-titan/ 大小:12.34 GB 时间:2019年7月14日 CINEMATIC METAL - TITAN CONSTRUCTION KIT SIZ...
BOOM Library – Assault Weapons Sounds Bundle武器音效-音色插件资源网

BOOM Library – Assault Weapons Sounds Bundle武器音效

这是一套现代军械库音效素材。 音频文件 14.2GB
【琶音合成器】Sample Logic Arpology Cinematic Dimensions Kontakt-音色插件资源网

【琶音合成器】Sample Logic Arpology Cinematic Dimensions Kontakt

系统要求:PC/MAC 软件格式:KONTAKT 厂家:http://www.samplelogic.com/products/arpology 大小:4.85 GB 这个新的 Arpology Cinematic Dimensions 经过一整年的研发,带有超过 23GB 高品质采...