Cinesamples Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato KONTAKT冬之恋
Cinesamples Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato KONTAKT DVDR (3.44 GB) Tina Guo Acoustic Cello是Cinesamples的Artist Series中Tina Guo系列中的一款独奏大提琴。Tina Guo Acoustic Cello是目前...
【独奏弦乐套装】Best Service Chris Hein solo strings KONTAKT
In January 2018, Chris Hein – Solo Strings has been expanded from the initial collection of 6 instruments, to an astonishing 14 instruments.The 8 new instruments have 18 articulat...
Audiobro Lass bundles (repack) Kontakt Lass弦乐四合一
所有LASS弦乐集合。发行版中没有2.5版本。kontakt音色库,文件大小:21.51 GB。 包含: LA Scoring Strings 1 LA Scoring Strings 2 LA Scoring Strings First Chair LASS Legato Sordino 重复...
【电影氛围音效】Sonokinetic Project Infinity KONTAKT
Sonokinetic Project Infinity KONTAKT | 2.5 Gb Cinematic sound effects, ambiences and spheres, big booms, crashes and swooshes, kinetic rhythmic drones and crackles, you name it, it...
Best Service Sonuscore TO – Strings of Winter [KONTAKT]
P2P | 21 June 2019 | 4.42 GB 含有1.0.1升级文件 homepage:https://www.bestservice.com/to_strings_of_winter.html 试听Demo: Strings of Winter - an icy blast of new soundsArctic plain...
Orchestral Tools Berlin KONTAKT柏林管弦全套合集(Win/Mac)
这是柏林目前所出的所有的音色的合集,包含你目前能找到的一切音色!音色已帮你分类,包含弦,木,铜,打,综合 五大类,音色已经整理,下载可以自己选择,也可以全部下载。体积为760G左右,解...
试听:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eyYYOjrmnKqZKYwlsGrBNg Sonokinetic 大气好莱坞电影管弦人声配乐音源10件装合集 KONTAKT 共 251G 支持PC/MAC 免安装免解压
新好莱坞影视音源组合系列 Audio Imperia Pack Kontakt(20套)
视频演示:http://list.youku.com/albumlist/show/id_49689943.html 官网参考:https://www.audioimperia.com/collections/bundles 新好莱坞影视音源组合系列 Audio Imperia Pack Kontakt(20套...
【史诗管弦乐音源】Spitfire Audio Albion II Loegria REDUX v3.22 [KONTAKT]
TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 20 June 2017 | 32.4 GB home paqe : https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/albion-ii-loegria/ Beautiful composer tools. Everythinq you need to visit audiolove.club...
Cinesamples Hollywoodwinds [KONTAKT, WAV]好莱坞木管
Team ASSiGN | 07 MAY 2010 | 2.94 GB home paqe : https://cinesamples.com/products The qroundbreakinq new method of sync on the fly. Kontakt will automatically recoqnize your seguen...
Cinesamples Voxos Epic Virtual Choir KONTAKT【18G】
homepage:https://cinesamples.com VOXOS: Epic Virtual Choirs is a remarkable new virtual instrument containing a full epic choir, boys choir, soloists and individual choir legato s...
Orange Tree Guard Bundle KONTAKT
Orange Tree Guard Bundle KONTAKT…Colección de instrumentos a cargo de Orange Tree Samples, contamos con campana, arpa, contabajo, cítara, piano de cola, vibráfono…como es habi...
Ambient White白色围绕的配乐PAD铺底音色KONTKAT音源
Native Instruments Session Strings Pro 2 v1.0.3 [KONTAKT]
SYNTHiC4TE | 01 August 2018 | v1.0.3 UPDATE | 287 MBP2P | 22 May 2018 | 34.2 GB home paqe : https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/cinematic/session-strings-pro-2...