![图片[1]-8DIO Majestica KONTAKT大型交响乐团 | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](https://xdssyyw.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/8Dio-1-2.jpg)
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Majestica is produced by Academy Award, TEC and G.A.N.G Award Winning Composer and Producer, Troels Folmann and Emmy Nominated Composer and Orchestrator, Colin O’Malley. Majestica is the largest symphony orchestra ever sampled containing over 240 players divided over strings (100), brasses (60), woodwinds (60) and percussion (20).
Derived from our exclusive V8P sample catalogue – Majestica is designed for composers and producers that desires the ultimate, unrivaled epic symphonic sound. We spared no expense and it stands unrivaled on the market as the ultimate epic orchestral production tool.
String Theory
Majestica holds a massive 100 piece String Ensemble spread across basses, cellos, violas and violins. The string section contains true legato, regular and fast type of spiccato, marcato, bartok, con legno, expressive dynamic bowings (aka arcs).. The Majestica String Ensemble can both be soft like silk and intergalactically powerful. The bass (30) and cellos (30) sections are the largest ever sampled and the gorgeous, airy sound by the (20) violas and (20) violins just makes the entire string section stringtastic
Powerful Percussion
Majestica contains a 20 piece percussion ensemble, which takes your boom to the next dimension. The percussion section contains dedicated tom-tom ensembles, gran-casa ensembles, timpany ensembles to major snare ensembles, tambourine, anvil and stick ensembles. We also recorded cymbals, tam-tam and gong ensembles. In addition we created percussion master patches and sound designed super percussion that will pierce through any epic mix and it all just works … straight out of the box.
Majestic Brass
Majestica contains a 60 piece brass ensemble, which is the largest ever sampled in the history of sampling. Players from six different countries were flown to the scoring stage to participate. The brass ensemble consists of 10 Cimbassos, 10 Bass Trombones, 30 French Horns and 10 Trumpets. The sound is not just bigger then anything you have ever heard – it is also different. The Majestica brass ensemble contains all the core building blocks you need from sustains to staccato, marcato to expressive arcs etc.
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Majestica was recorded in the same large world-class orchestral hall used for exclusive V8P series and 8Dio CAGE, AGE and Lacrimosa Epic Choir – and contains 96Khz, 3 microphone positions (Mixed, Decca and Far). The UI system for Majestica was built from scratch and contains over 35.000 lines of code giving you the ultimate experience in ease, flexibility and playability.
Majestica 由奥斯卡奖、TEC 和 g. a. n. g. 获奖作曲家和制作人、Troels Folmann 和 Emmy 提名的作曲家和管弦乐队、colin O ‘ Malley 制作。Majestica 是有史以来最大的交响乐团, 有240多名演奏者, 分为弦 (100)、黄铜 (60)、木管乐器 (60 人) 和打击乐 (20 人)。
源于我们独家的 V8P 样品目录–ma打采分是为渴望终极、无与伦比的史诗交响乐声音的作曲家和制作人设计的。我们不遗余力, 它作为终极史诗般的管弦乐制作工具, 在市场上无与伦比。
马耶斯蒂卡举行了一个巨大的100件弦乐合奏, 分布在低音, 大提琴, 中提琴和小提琴。弦段包含真正的长角, 规则和快速类型的辛辣, 马卡托, 巴托克, 骗子, 表现力的保龄球 (又名弧线)。马耶斯蒂卡弦乐合奏既可以像丝绸一样柔软, 也可以互形有力。低音 (30) 和大提琴 (30) 部分是有史以来最大的采样和华丽, 通风的声音由 (20) 中提琴和 (20) 小提琴只是使整个弦段的串
Majestica 包含一个20件打击乐合奏, 它把你的吊臂带到下一个维度。打击乐部分包括专门的汤姆合奏, 磨砂合奏, 时间派合奏到主要的陷阱合奏, 鼓鼓, 铁锤和棒合奏。我们还录制了铜鼓、坦帕和铜管。此外, 我们创造了打击乐大师补丁和声音设计的超级打击乐, 将刺穿任何史诗般的组合, 这一切只是作品..。直接从盒子里出来。
Majestica 包含一个60件铜管乐器, 这是有史以来采样历史上最大的一个。来自6个不同国家的球员被飞机送往得分舞台参加。铜团由 10个 Cimbassos、10个低音长号、30个法国角和10个小号组成。声音不仅比你听过的任何东西都大–它也是不同的。Majestica 铜制乐团包含了所有的核心组成部分, 你需要从维持到断奏, 番茄酱到表现力弧线等。
Majestica 被记录在用于独家 V8P 系列和 8Dio cage、AGE 和 Lacrimosa Epic 唱诗班的大型世界级管弦乐大厅中, 并包含96Khz、3个麦克风位置 (混合、德卡和 Far)。 Majestica 的 UI 系统是从零开始构建的, 包含超过35.000 行代码, 为您提供轻松、灵活和可玩性方面的终极体验。