![图片[1]-SkillShare Ultimate Ableton Live 11 Part 2 Recording and Warping [TUTORiAL] | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](https://www.yinsebar.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/image-182.png)
Team SkilledHares | 2021 年 4 月 5 日 | 2.09 GB
欢迎来到 ULTIMATE ABLETON LIVE 11,第 2 部分:录制和变形!
在本课程中,我们将使用屡获殊荣的讲师和大学音乐制作教授 Jason Allen 博士的真实经验。但不要担心 – 艾伦博士在校园里最出名的是让事情变得简单、易懂、有用和有趣。
Allen 博士是一名专业音乐家、顶级在线讲师和大学教授。2017 年,Star Tribune 将他评为“推动者和摇摆者”,他的音乐教育课程也获得了格莱美基金会的认可。
他还是 ABLETON 现场认证培训师。
在本课程中,我们将学习 Ableton Live 11 以及该程序的各个方面。我们将专注于如何在 Ableton Live 中做所有可能的事情,您将作为 Ableton Live 11 的专家完成本课程。 无论您是否有音乐制作经验,这都是学习如何使用 Ableton 的终极课程适用于任何类型音乐的 Live 11 软件。
ULTIMATE ABLETON LIVE 11, PART 2 是您开始制作精彩曲目所需的一切!
这是一个非常深的课程 – 大量的内容、技巧和技巧。在这门课的不同“部分”(总共有六个)中,我将从字面上了解我对 Ableton Live 11 的了解,以及我成为认证培训师所需的一切。我将分享我自己的一些曲目,并从我的图书馆中为您提供一些完整的课程,供您玩耍并帮助您入门。
在这部分课程中,我们将介绍如何使用 Live 11 软件进行录音和变形。包括:
- 录音基础
- 麦克风选择和麦克风放置
- MIDI 控制器购物
- 多轨录音
- 配音或“插入”
- 录制多个 Take 和“Comping”
- 使用效果
- 录制 MIDI
- 速度映射
- 翘曲编辑
- 翘曲节拍
- 翘曲整个轨道以重新混音
- 全轨道解构
- 还有很多,很多,更多!
我将制作 6(六个!)完整的“部分”,以便为您带来有史以来最全面的 Ableton Live 制作技术手册。每个班级都有集合、课程和实验供您自己尝试并跟随。
您再也没有机会以比这更全面的方式了解 Ableton Live。
本课程是使用 Ableton Live 11 制作令人惊叹的
曲目的路线图。本课程包含您制作出色曲目所需的所有工具,并且整个课程均基于现实生活经验 – 而不仅仅是学术理论。
Team SkilledHares | 05 April 2021 | 2.09 GB
Welcome to ULTIMATE ABLETON LIVE 11, PART 2: Recording & Warping!
In this course, we will use the real-world experiences of the award-winning instructor and university music production professor Dr. Jason Allen. But don’t be worried – Dr. Allen is best known around campus for keeping things simple, accessible, useful, and fun.
Dr. Allen is a professional musician, top-rated online instructor, and university professor. In 2017 the Star Tribune featured him as a “Mover and a Shaker,” and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes.
In this class, we are going to learn Ableton Live 11, and every aspect of the program. We will focus on how to do everything possible in Ableton Live, and you will finish this course as an expert in Ableton Live 11. Whether you have experience in music production already or not, this is the ultimate class to learn how to use the Ableton Live 11 software for any genre of music.
ULTIMATE ABLETON LIVE 11, PART 2 is everything you need to start making great tracks!
This is a really deep class – tons of content, tricks, and tips. Throughout the different “parts” of this class (there are six total) I’ll go through literally everything I know about Ableton Live 11, and everything it took for me to become a Certified Trainer. I’ll share some of my own tracks, and give you some full sessions from my library to play around with and get you started.
In this part of the class, we are going to cover how to use the Live 11 software for recording and warping. Including:
- Audio Recording Fundamentals
- Microphone Selection and Microphone Placement
- MIDI Controller Shopping
- Multitrack Recording
- Overdubbing, or “Punching in”
- Recording Multiple Takes and “Comping”
- Working with Effects
- Recording MIDI
- Velocity Mapping
- Warping for Editing
- Warping Beats
- Warping Whole Tracks for Remixing
- Full Track Deconstructions
- And Much, Much, More!
I will be making 6 (six!) complete “parts” in order to bring you the most comprehensive manual on Ableton Live production techniques ever created. Each class has Sets, sessions, and experiments for you to try on your own and follow along with.
You will not have another opportunity to learn about Ableton Live in a more comprehensive way than this.
The course is a roadmap to MAKING STUNNING TRACKS with Ableton Live 11.
All the tools you need to produce great tracks are included in this course and the entire course is based on real-life experiences – not just academic theory.
home page:https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Ultimate-Ableton-Live-11-Part-2-Recording-Warping/2107399317