团队 DECiBEL | 2021 年 3 月 31 日 | 219.4 MB
Freak Music 精心打造了“心情”——一个包含所有放松心情的建筑套件,包含在一个包中。您会收到 5 个完整的结构,其中包含 MIDI 循环、WAV 循环、Spire 预设和包含补丁的音库。它绝对会满足您的期望 – 只需将您的循环拖放到您最喜欢的 DAW 中,或者使用包含的 MIDI 自由改变每个旋律的速度、速度甚至调。您将体验到从未听过的声音。
所有这些声音都是 100% 免版税的,因此一旦购买,您就可以在您的商业版本中使用它们,而无需支付任何隐藏费用。这个系列是开始下一个大热门的完美方式。舒缓的音乐是治愈灵魂的良药。
请注意:要访问合成器预设,您需要最新的 Reveal Sound’s Spire。
5 个构建套件
67 个 WAV 循环
29 个 MIDI 文件
29 个 Spire 预设和 Soundbank
5 个混音示例
100% 免版税
总共 131 个文件
353 MB 的解压缩内容
Team DECiBEL | 31 March 2021 | 219.4 MB
Freak Music crafted “Moods” – a collection of construction kits with all chillout moods, included in one pack. You receive 5 full constructions loaded with MIDI loops, WAV loops, Spire presets and soundbank with patch included. It will absolutely fill your expectations – simply drag and drop your loops in your favorite DAW or freely change the velocity, tempo and even key of each melody with MIDIs included. You will experience sounds you’ve never heard.
All of these sounds are 100% Royalty-Free, so once purchased, you can use them in your commercial releases without having to pay any hidden costs. This collection is a perfect way to start the next great hit. Calming music is a cure for the soul.
Please Note: To access synthesizer presets, you need an up to date Reveal Sound’s Spire.
Sample pack details
5 Construction Kits
67 WAV Loops
29 MIDI Files
29 Spire Presets & Soundbank
5 Mixdown Examples
100% Royalty-Free
131 Files in Total
353 MB of Unzipped Content
home page:https://r-loops.com/sample-pack/freak-music/moods/5885