![图片[1]-[强大的底鼓合成器]Sonic Academy KICK 2 v1.1.5 /v1.1.1/扩展预设合集 [WiN, MacOSX](79Mb) | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](https://www.yinsebar.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/02011996_sonic-academy-kick-2.jpg)
WiN: P2P | v1.1.4 | 46.99 MB
MAC: Team R2R | v1.1.1| 38.9 MB
[鼓合成器插件]KICK 2终于来了-屡获殊荣的KICK在2016年进行了全面升级。轻松雕刻,塑形,创建,操纵,操纵您的完美踢鼓方式。
您不再需要依靠样品包中经过采样和重新采样的低质量踢鼓。使用KICK 2,您可以轻松创建完美的合成球,以适应您的需求。
KICK 2的新功能是3个卡纸区域,其中包括开始时间,长度控制,低/高通滤波器和精细音高调节等功能
修复了MONO版本的KICK 2无法正确加载的问题
解决了使用Pro Tools库管理器菜单时KICK 2崩溃的问题
KICK 2 is finally here – The Multi Award Winning KICK gets an extensive upgrade for 2016. Easily sculpt, shape, create, manipulate, mangle your way to the perfect kick drum.
No longer do you need to rely on sampled and resampled low quality kick drums in sample packs. With KICK 2 you can easily create a perfectly synthesised kick attuned to your needs.
3 Fully Featured Click Areas
New to KICK 2 are 3 click areas jam packed with features including start time, length control, Low / High Pass Filters and fine pitch adjustment
No longer do you need to manipulate and adjust your clicks before import, simply load them and get started straight away
Drag & Drop Click Loading
Found an audio click that you like? simply drag and drop it straight onto the plugin window to load it directly into your soundbank
External Sample Folder Browsing
Browse your personal sample collection direct from inside the plugin – allowing you to audition all of your favourite samples without having to manually load them in.
Moving nodes now records automation to DAW
Fixed issue with MONO versions of KICK 2 not loading up correctly
Fixed issue with KICK 2 crashing when using Pro Tools librarian menu