![图片[1]-Jammcard Samples Stanley Randolph I’m In The Clouds Funky Drums and Shots [WAV] | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](https://www.yinsebar.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/image-229.png)
奇妙 2021年3月24日| 617兆字节
Stanley Randolph-我在云端:Funk Drums and Shots是由Stevie Wonder的鼓手Stanley Randolph精心制作和精心策划的鼓槽,悠闲节拍,填充,乐句和单拍的独家合集。循环范围从100 BPM到130 BPM-独家选择的原始版本提供了断裂,节拍和凹槽,循环和单发的宝库,并获得了Stanley Randolph声波密封的认可。
在本系列的核心部分,我们希望带给您完整的录音室体验,而只有在录音室中现场录制才能实现。租用传说中的United Recording Studio A,配备自定义72输入Focusrite Console和10输入Neve BCM 10,以及原始的1073 Mic Pre EQ,Vintage API 550A EQ,Vintage Neumann M-50的室内麦克风,Vintage AKG C-12,用于头顶和立体声复古。踢鼓上的Neumann U-47 FET。斯坦利的乐器套件带有DW鼓,Zildjian。LP Galaxy Giovanny系列手鼓,为史丹利·兰道夫(Stanley Randolph)质朴的鼓手声。
斯坦利·兰道夫(Stanley Randolph)已成为最受欢迎的巡回演出鼓手之一,引起了音乐偶像和传奇人物的关注,例如史蒂维·旺德(Stevie Wonder),《街上的小子们》,《后街男孩》,克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera),克里斯蒂·米歇尔(Chrisette Michele),博伊兹二世男人以及杰克逊家族的几位成员。斯坦利(Stanley)拥有多种音乐风格,从放克音乐,融合音乐到非洲裔和流行音乐。斯坦利的技术始终存在于他遍布全球的所有传奇唱片艺术家的大型音乐目录中,并在整个音乐目录中得以展示。
FANTASTiC | 24 March 2021 | 617 MB
Stanley Randolph – I’m in the Clouds: Funk Drums and Shots is an exclusive collection of expertly crafted and curated drum grooves, laid-back beats, fills, phrases, and one-shots, by Stevie Wonder’s drummer, Stanley Randolph. With loops ranging from 100 BPM up to 130 BPM – get to grips with this exclusive selection of original offering a treasure trove of breaks, beats and grooves, loops, and one-shots, with the Stanley Randolph sonic seal of approval.
At the heart of this collection, we wanted to bring the full studio experience only achievable by recording live in a studio setting. Hiring the legendary United Recording Studio A equipped with custom 72 input Focusrite Console and 10 input Neve BCM 10 with original 1073 Mic Pre EQ’s, Vintage API 550A EQ’s, Vintage Neumann M-50’s room mics, Vintage AKG C-12’s for overhead and stereo vintage Neumann U-47 FET on the Kick drum. Stanley’s kit features DW Drums, Zildjian cymbals. LP Galaxy Giovanny Series Bongos for the authentic Stanley Randolph funky drummer sound.
Stanley Randolph, has become one of the most in-demand and highly respected drummers of tour time, gaining the attention of music icons and legends such as Stevie Wonder, New Kids on the Block, Backstreet Boys, Christina Aguilera, Chrisette Michele, Boyz II Men as well as several members of the Jackson family. Stanley boasts a vast range of musical styles from funk and fusion to afrocuban and pop. Stanley’s techniques are always spot on and displayed throughout the large music catalogs of all the legendary recording artists he spans the globe with.
home page:https://splice.com/sounds/jammcard-samples/stanley-randolph-i-m-in-the-clouds-funky-drums-shots