![图片[1]-Truefire Live Plus Jazz Blues Camp Episode 01 [TUTORiAL] | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](https://www.yinsebar.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/image-432.png)
P2P | 2020年10月14日| 5.34 GB
本期Jam Blues Camp的成员包括David Hamburger,Tim Lerch和Frank Vignola,重点是即兴演奏时运用爵士和声的多种技术和创造性方法。
蒂姆·勒奇(Tim Lerch)提出了使用单行布鲁斯旋律,双音阶和声进行编曲和独奏的概念,以及针对三重奏和第七和弦的研究。
大卫·汉堡(David Hamburger)的系列作品将重点介绍如何连接从I到IV和弦,从IV到I和弦变化的线,最后是具有ii-VI级数的线。
弗兰克·维格诺拉(Frank Vignola)使用次要9琶音,半音阶连接和I-ii-bii-V琶音,用三种变奏曲完善了布鲁斯ii-V演奏的课程。
拿起吉他,让我们与David Hamburger,Tim Lerch和Frank Vignola一起爵士吧!
P2P | 14 October 2020 | 5.34 GB
This edition of the Jam Blues Camp featuring David Hamburger, Tim Lerch, and Frank Vignola focuses on a variety of techniques and creative approaches for applying jazz harmony when improvising.
Expanding on core concepts from their TrueFire library, the educators present new variations, more advanced techniques, and additional harmonic applications to enhance your rhythm playing over common blues changes.
Tim Lerch presents concepts for comping and soloing using single line blues melodies, double stop harmony, and a study that focuses on triads and 7th chords.
David Hamburger’s series will focus on ways to connect lines with changes from the I to the IV chord, the IV to the I chord, and finally for lines with ii-V-I progressions.
Frank Vignola wraps up the camp course with three variations for improvising over a bluesy ii-V progression using minor9 arpeggios, chromatic connections, and I-ii-bii-V arpeggios.
The course includes all of the studio, on-location, and live-streamed video lessons, backing tracks, Q&A sessions, and prep materials presented before and during the live Jazz Blues Camp.
Tim, David and Frank will explain and demonstrate all of the key concepts and approaches along the way. You’ll get standard notation and tabs for all of the performance studies. Plus, you’ll be able to use TrueFire’s learning tools to sync the tab and notation to the video lesson. You can also loop or slow down the videos so that you can work with the lessons at your own pace. All of the backing tracks are included to work with on your own as well.
Grab your guitar, and let’s jazz it up with David Hamburger, Tim Lerch, and Frank Vignola!