团队火炬| 2020年10月10日| 43.4兆字节
Power Pack是我的拟声词。这里有一些呼啸声,听起来像是您想念这个单词的齿轮。看不见的情况是您有一台我的爱马仕3000草书打字机,它具有粘性键和可靠的返回功能。您几乎可以听到606上褪色的铜绿和808上的录音室灰尘。我想提供独特的声音,这些声音对于您的作品来说是很陌生的。更不用说为您的快乐旋律增添色彩的玩具立式钢琴和打孔音乐盒了。
- 2个高帽
- 4踢
- 5个网罗
- 2汤姆
- 22音乐盒一杆
- 67玩具钢琴一杆
- 53噪音
- 2 Ableton采样器乐器
Team Flare | 10 October 2020 | 43.4 MB
Power Pack is my onomatopoeia. There are whirrs here that sound like the gears you imagine reading the word. Sight unseen you have my Hermes 3000 cursive typewriter with its sticky keys and chimed return. You can practically hear the faded patina of the 606 and studio dust on the 808. I want to give unique sounds which are oddly familiar for your productions. Not to mention the tined toy upright piano and hole-punch music box for your merry melodies.
Take a crack at layering your kick drums with an adding machine’s calculation or replace your trap hats with a keyboard’s clatter. They have served me well and I’m excited to hear what you come up with.
- 2 Hi Hats
- 4 Kicks
- 5 Snares
- 2 Toms
- 22 Music Box One Shots
- 67 Toy Piano One Shots
- 53 Noises
- 2 Ableton Sampler Instruments