![图片[1]-Producertech Complete Guide to NI Massive [TUTORiAL] | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](https://www.yinsebar.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/image-97.png)
P2P | 2020年8月23日| 298.80兆字节
想要真正掌握NI Massive吗?这套为时3小时的教程将带您从一开始就进行高级声音设计,向您介绍此功能强大的尖端乐器中包含的所有合成技术。该课程研究减法合成的所有主要阶段,涵盖振荡器,滤波器,调制器以及全局和插入FX。在探索了所有合成器部分之后,有一些关于预设制作的课程,将所有技术组合到一些实际示例中,以帮助学生将所有内容置于上下文中。
P2P | 23 August 2020 | 298.80 MB
Want to truly get to grips with NI Massive? This 3-hour set of tutorials takes you from the very beginning right through to advanced sound design, explaining all of the synthesizing technology included in this powerful, cutting-edge instrument. The course delves into all the main stages of subtractive synthesis, covering the oscillators, filters, modulators and global and insert FX. After all of the synth sections have been explored, there are some lessons on preset making, combining all of the techniques into some practical examples to help students put everything into context.
Modules in this course:
Module 1: Introduction and Overview
Introduces the Course Style and provides an overview of the instrument, covering the three main display areas, where synth presets can be browsed, managed and edited. There is also a brief guide to setting up the synth in standalone mode.
Module 2: Oscillators and Noise Generator
Covers Massive’s sound-generators, those being the three oscillators and noise generator, explaining the different types of waveforms available in each, and how they can be edited. In addition to demonstrating how each control works, there is an example of how to combine them in order to create a simple patch.
Module 3: Filters
Teaches about the different types of filters available and the effect they have on the sound. Also provides a guide to the way signals can be routed through the filters, showing some examples of parallel and series setups.
Module 4: Effects and Routing
Goes through all of the effects available on Massive, including a more comprehensive guide to the most popular ones. Shows how different effects can be applied to the main output, as well as various points earlier in the signal path.
Module 5: Introduction to Modulation – Envelopes
Takes a look at envelopes, starting with the most common type, the amplitude envelope, which changes the level over time. Then moves on to some other classic uses of envelope modulation, where filter frequency and oscillator pitch are manipulated.
Module 6: Cyclic Modulation – Looped Envelopes and LFOs
Continues looking at modulation by exploring the continuous types featured on Massive, those being looped envelopes and LFOs. Includes a guide to making the classic dubstep wobble bass.
Module 7: Modulation Part III – Stepper and Performer
Runs through Massive’s 2 onboard sequencers, showing how they can be used to create all sorts of incredible effects. There is also a brief guide to making your own chorus.
Module 8: Modulation Part IV – The Modulation Oscillator
Teaches some of the different ways Massive’s modulation oscillator can be used to modify a preset. There is also a demonstration of the different types of synthesis and modulation it provides, including FM (frequency modulation) and Ring modulation, showing how to create some classic and more diverse sounds.
Module 9: Additional Oscillator Settings and Voicing
Gives a run through of all the additional parameters featured in the central display, including how to apply glide and vibrato, how to set up polyphony and legato, and also the setting up of unisono voices and keyboard tracking.
Module 10: Global Settings, MIDI Control and more
Ties up all the loose ends by explaining the remaining controls and features not covered so far, including how to use the Feedback and Bypass circuits, how to stack modulation and apply sidechain modulation, how to set up the macros and other performance modulators, as well as a whole host of global settings.
Module 11: Making a Fat Bass Preset
Gives a practical example of how to apply many of the techniques taught in order to produce a fat bass preset.
Module 12: Making a Multi-Layered Preset
Shows the full potential of Massive by demonstrating how it can be used to simultaneously produce drums, bass and lead parts, in order to make a house groove.
home page:https://www.producertech.com/staff-picks/35/complete-guide-to-ni-massive