P2P | 8月19日| 529兆字节
古筝是一种中国弹拨乐器,其历史可追溯到2500年前。通过多种演奏技巧,它的声音可以唤起瀑布的级联,雷声,风景秀丽的乡村和茂密的风景。有时,通用乐器听起来像是竖琴和西塔琴的混合音,但具有独特的旋律特质。在此Splice Originals包装中,器乐演奏家Yanody Yan分享了古筝音色的惊人范围。
P2P | 19 August | 529 MB
The guzheng is a Chinese plucked string instrument with a history tracing back further than 2,500 years. With several playing techniques, its sounds can evoke the sense of a cascading waterfall, thunder, scenic countryside, and lush landscapes. At times, the versatile instrument sounds like a harp and sitar hybrid, yet uniquely identifiable with its own melodic qualities. Instrumentalist Melody Yan shares the stunning range of guzheng sounds in this Splice Originals pack.
home page:https://splice.com/sounds/splice-originals/so_chinese_guzheng_melody_yan