![图片[1]-Soundiron Bontastic! KONTAKT复古风琴 | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](https://xdssyyw.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/8-5.jpg)
1.2 GB大小
22个Kontakt 5.5.2 .nki预置组
24位/ 48kHz立体声未压缩PCM wav音频
![图片[2]-Soundiron Bontastic! KONTAKT复古风琴 | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](https://xdssyyw.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/9-4.jpg)
Soundiron BONTASTIC!复古风琴乐器捕捉到了罕见的Bontempi B4电子桌风琴的复古声音。该仪器生动的橙色塑料外观与20世纪70年代和80年代早期的流行美学相呼应,在此期间制作了器官。Bontamp的Bontempi风琴!重新创建看似简单 – 25个键和8个和弦按钮,没有停止或选项。但是使用Bontastic!我们在Soundiron已经改装了一款经典乐器,并从经典的音乐设备中释放出所有潜力。
Bontastic!使用一对立体声低噪声Neumann TLM 103麦克风录制,以捕获乐器的全部声学范围。每个键的持续音符记录有两个循环赛,以及四个用于断奏音符的循环赛。所有八个和弦按钮(A#,C,F和G和弦,主要和次要)以及各种键和电机效果都记录了相同的持续和断奏关节。附带的八度音,颤音和FX琴架为您提供了一个易于使用的界面,可以完全自定义和塑造经典的复古声音。
该库配备了灵活的控制功能,如Swell,pitch Glide,Attack,Release,Vibrato和Octave。还有一个完整的DSP效果架,包括几十个独特空间的卷积混响,如大教堂,教堂,大厅,沙坑,车库,隧道,房间,房间和大量超凡脱俗的FX冲动,以充分探索和无尽的各种奇怪和意外声音操纵。
– 2个主要乐器预设,具有先进的性能控制,颤音,滑行速度,LFO,滤波器,Arp和全FX机架
– 20个自定义声音设计的FX和环境预设
– 支持,Staccatos,Chord Sustains,Chord Staccatos和声学效果样本
– Glide控制连奏速度
– 当Glide设置为0时标准单声道功能或复音
– 八度音阶功能逐渐增加一个更低和更高的八度
– 旋转混响与119个不同的大教堂,教堂,房间,房间,大厅和特效脉冲
– 一个完整的多功能 – 影响机架,带有均衡器,滤波器,移相器,镶边器,延迟,失真,放大器和扬声器模拟等等
The Soundiron BONTASTIC! Vintage Organ instrument captures with perfect clarity the retro sound of the rare Bontempi B4 Electronic Table Organ. The instrument’s vivid orange plastic exterior echoes the popular aesthetics of the 1970s and early 1980s during which time the organ was produced. The Bontempi organ that Bontastic! recreates is deceptively simple — 25 keys and 8 chord buttons, no stops or options. But with Bontastic! we here at Soundiron have retrofitted a classic instrument and unlocked all the potential from a classic piece of music equipment.
The power of Bontastic! is really unlocked by the easy-to-use yet powerful 3D-modeled user interface. Basic sound shaping options are included: volume swell, note attack time, release time and sample start offset let users mold the sound anyway they want. Other main controls include vibrato and a special “Octave” knob, which really beefs up the instrument by doubling and tripling the notes being played at different octaves. This really unlocks the hidden character of the Bontempi organ.
The “Glide” option adds an adjustable-speed portamento pitch bend between notes. The advanced tempo-syncable LFO system features configurable LFO shape, modulation target, speed, intensity, and fade-in time. A versatile filter system allows you to select between 13 filter types, modulation options, and control the frequency and resonance. As always, we included our customizable arpeggiator, which lets users control pattern direction, rhythm, swing, randomization and duration. The advanced GUI is rounded out by our modular FX rack, which lets users put any of 18 different effects (reverb, distortion, etc.) in up to 10 slots, in any chain order they desire. This also includes 119 of Soundiron’s high quality impulse responses which can be loaded into the “Reverb” effect.