![图片[1]-Togu Audio Line TAL-U-NO-LX v4.1.1 [WiN, MacOSX] | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](https://www.yinsebar.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/image-96.png)
Team R2R | 04 December 2019 | WiN: 4.3 MB | MAC: 6.9 MB
TAL-U-NO-LX is a complete rewritten emulation of the popular Juno 60 with a new engine and GUI. Up to date zero feedback delay filters and carefully calibrated controls make this synth a good replacement for the analog device with all the advantages software plugins have. As an addition, the TAL-U-NO-LX also supports portamento and different filter LFO waveforms and some more useful features.
An arpeggiator with different sync modes and hold function is also included. A very fast envelope with a smooth roll-off, emulated inaccuracy and a very smooth filter sound gives this synth the typical sound. The synth was calibrated after a hardware device that’s property of TAL.
► Features
- Self resonating zero feedback delay filter (24dB LP).
- Filter range up to ~40kHz (depends on the sample rate).
- Calibrated and tuned after TAL’s hardware device.
- Midi learn / automation for all controlls.
- Improved alias free oscillators for an authentic sound also @ 44’100Hz sampling rate.
- Arpeggiator with different sync modes (host, midi clock, not on).
- Portamento and mono mode.
- LFO manual trigger button.
- Sustain pedal support.
- Up to 12 voices.
- New file based preset system for transparent preset management.
- More than 300 factory presets by different sound designers (FMR, Particular – Sound, TAL).
- Original hardware “Factory Bank A” included.
Slow UI loading time fixed (v 4.1.1)
Declick for velocity changes when note was reused (v 4.0.9)
Plugin MIDI keyboard should not get keyboard focus anymore (v 4.0.9)
Fixes a volume smoothing volume issue that affected the amp envelope (v 4.0.9)
Improved arpeggiator and LFO sync times (v 4.0.8)
Should fix an auval (AU plugin validation) issues with older OSX versions (v 4.0.8)
UI artefacts around the keyboard component fixed (v 4.0.4)
Next preset buttons skips presets fixed (v 4.0.4)
Default preset support. Loads the preset with the name “default” when creating a new instance (v 3.2.4)
Blocking audio thread while loading preset with MIDI Prg Change fixed (v 3.2.4)
Bug fixes (v 3.2.2)
VST3 plug-in format added (v 3.2.0)
Framework update. Better support for windows high resolution screens (v 3.2.0)
Automation not working in ableton live fixed (Audio Unit) (v 3.1.3)
Popup menu width fixed (v 3.1.2)
Framework update and bug fixes (v 3.1.1)
Arpeggiator tempo wrong after loading host project fixed (v 3.1.0)