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![图片[1]-Sonokinetic Ethnic Tigris & amp Euphrates美索不达米亚人声 | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](https://www.yinsebar.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Sonokinetic-2-2.jpg)
Sonokinetic Ethnic Tigris and Euphrates KONTAKT | 2.35 Gb
Sonokinetic’s very unique and one of a kind, richly sampled Middle Eastern vocal library. It captures both the mysterious beauty from the female voice and the impressive magic of the Mesopotamian male voice. Whether you need to create an authentic Middle Eastern composition, or just add some spice and originality to any production, Tigris & Euphrates provides the necessary elements to set your music apart. These intriguing melodies and phrase improvisations will give you a broad range of diversity in your composition.
We’ve gone all the way and recorded all Middle Eastern melodic styles. It is available in all western contemporary harmonies. These melodic phrases, words, melody lines and many of vocal and Middle Estern sfx can easily be triggered and comes with a dedicated scripted interferface for Konakt.
Sonokinetic pushes the limit to capture a generic soundscape with a wide selection of user-friendly, easy to use collection of Middle Eastern vocal samples.
Sonokinetic 民族底格里斯河和幼发拉底开播 |2.35 Gb
Sonokinetic 的非常独特和善良,富有地采样的中东声乐图书馆之一。它捕捉到了这两个神秘美的事物的女性声音和令人印象深刻的神奇的美索不达米亚的男性声音。不论您需要创建一个正宗的中东地区组成,或只是将一些香料和创意添加到任何生产,底格里斯河与幼发拉底提供了必要的元素,让你的音乐。这些迷人的旋律和短语即兴创作将给你范围广泛的多样性在你的作文。
我们一路走并记录所有中东旋律风格。它是可用在所有西方当代和声。这些旋律的短语、 词、旋律线和许多声乐和中间东方 sfx 可以很容易触发和配备了专用的脚本 interferfaceKonakt。
Sonokinetic 推极限来捕获与种类繁多的界面友好,使用方便收集中东声乐样品的泛型景。