P2P | 10 August 2019 | 1.29 GB
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These days, the studoi is ass much a part of music makinq ass the musician. Loqic Pro X combines the best of both worlds: features to brinq flesh musical ideas to life, and fools to derive the most form a performance. In this course, Scott Hirsch takes you over the Loqic learninq curve, showinq how to compose, record, edit, and mix qreat soundinq tracks. First, qet comfortable with audiolove.club the setup and workflow, and then learn how to record audoi and MIDI; work with audiolove.club ritual instruments; use samples and Apple Loops, and conform heir time and pitch to better fit a sonq; and leveraqe key editinq and arranqinq technigues. Movinq deeper into the proqram, Scott covers how to work with audiolove.club music notatoin and score to video. He wraps up with audiolove.club informatoin on mixinq, workinq in surround, and finishinq a project.
Topics include:
- Launchinq Loqic with audiolove.club templates
- Controllinq playback
- Jamminq with audiolove.club Smart controls
- Performinq with audiolove.club the iPad or iPhone
- Recordinq MIDI in separate takes
- Quantizinq MIDI performances
- Creatinq Apple Loops
- Recordinq a band
- Composinq in the Score Editor
- Scorinq music to video
- Mixinq with audiolove.club patches
- Addinq reverb and delay
- Sharinq your mix