资源大小:5 GB
适用平台:Pc MAC
官网: https://8dio.com/instrument/bassoon-virtuoso/
欢迎来我们的新克莱尔演奏木管乐器系列由艾美奖提名的作曲家,柯林O’Malley。克莱尔木管乐器系列是一个深采样收集最好的演奏木管乐器独奏过采样。这些都是高度可玩的器械飙升与真实的情感,轻松和equilibristic的行为。我们的大管演奏家是最具表现力的,可玩性和逼真的大管过采样。大管演奏家被记录在交响乐大厅和包含三个麦克风的位置(接近,台卡,远)。的巴松管的核心是高度先进的连奏系统,包括慢速和快速连音。连奏连奏系统允许你发挥热情的弧线,维持,表现marcatos Staccatissimo,等我们记录弧非颤音,颤音中坚强,所以你可以自由地塑造你的表现从细微处充满活力。此外,我们还增加了颤音,运行,甚至无调性的作用就像Staccatissimo呼吸阀的声音和自然点击噪声等。
Claire Basoon Virtuoso is based on a highly intuitive, playable and expressive legato system. We sampled a variety of different types of expressive arcs that are all connected to the legato system, so you can go between sustain types that are gentle (p-mp) to strong (f-ff) or sustain types with less or more vibrato. All these articulations can seamlessly be connected while you are playing using our highly advanced legato system.