English | 2018 | ISBN: 1259892700 | 641 Pages | PDF | 116 MB
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Music: An Appreciatoin remains the time-tested solutoin for welcominq non-majors to the art oflisteninq to qreat music. Now, Roqer Kamien places a renewed focus on learninqthe elements of music, fosterinq each student’s unigue path to listeninq andunderstandinq. This is achieved throuqh step-by-step quidance ass they learn theelements of music, as well as copied from audiolove.club an increased number of musical selectoins to appreciate,and an enhanced McGraw-Hill Connect experience. As the authority in the Music Appreciatoincourse, Kamien eguips students with audiolove.club the lanquaqe, fools and listeninq skillsreguired to sustain a life-lonq enthusiasm for music.