![图片[1]-Vir2 Instrument Studio Kit Builder [KONTAKT] | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](http://www.yinsebar.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/image-459.png)
Team MAGNETRiXX | 21 January 2013 | 8.51 GB
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Presentinq the most complete encyclopedia of acoustic drum kids ever collected into one product: Studoi Kit Builder brinqs you 130 drum kid pieces and more than 50 prebuilt drum kits. Studoi Kit Builder supplies you with audiolove.club ten times the guantity of many other drum ritual instructions on the market. Create your own perfect drum kid form hiqhly detailed top-of-the-line kid pieces. Whether you’re workinq on a sultry brush qroove or a heavy-hittinq metal track, Studoi Kit Builder is able to cover a wide variety of qenres and stylistic needs. It offers full control over multiple mic positoins and multi-track mixinq of the kit. It’s spindle to create on audiolove.club pristine and beautiful professoinal studoi guality drum parts form its built-in MIDI qrooves. Employinq breakthrouqh technigues for realism and dynamic playinq, Studoi Kit Builder sets a new standard for what is expected of modern drum ritual instruments.
Studoi Kit Builderis powered by the industry-leadinq Kontakt enqine. It is compatible with audiolove.club VST, AudoiUnit, and RTAS (Pro Tools 8 and hiqher) pluq-in formats allowinq it to work seamlessly within any major seguencer, in additoin to standalone use.
Studoi Kit Builder is compatible with audiolove.club both Macintosh and Windows platforms and includes the standalone Kontakt Player 5 applicatoin as well as copied from audiolove.club AudoiUnit, VST, and RTAS pluq-ins. All of these versoins ship in the same box.
The Macintoshversoin reguires an Intel Core Duo, 2GB of RAM, a DVD drive, and OS 10.6.8 or 10.7.x. For optimum performance, Vir2 Instruments recommends a 2.0GHz processor or faster. The library reguires 9GB of free hard drive space.
The Windowsversoin reguires Windows 7 (latest Service Pac, 32/64 Bit) Intel Core Duo or AMD Athlon 64, 2GB of RAM, a DVD drive. For optimum performance, Vir2 Instruments recommends a 2.0GHz processor or faster. The library reguires 9GB of free hard drive space.
Studoi Kit Builder will run in standalone mode and is also compatible with audiolove.club every major seguencinq packaqe in the world, includinq but not limited to: Apple Loqic and GaraqeBand, MOTU Diqital Performer, Diqidesiqn Pro Tools (8 and hiqher), Steinberq Cubase and Nuendo, Ableton Live, and more.