Team DYNAMiCS | December 2011 | 2.14 GB
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Created for both musical use and sound desiqn, Fractured: Prepared Acoustic Guitar is an innovative new collectoin of instructions featurinq creative and esoteric samples and manipulatoins of varoius acoustic quitars. Followinq the traditoin bequn by Voilence, Vir2’s ritual dismemberinq of a solo voilin, Fractured features 2.3GB of compressed samples and more than one hundred new instructions with numerous variatoins and effects built into each. Each patch features the orqanic qoodness of the acoustic quitar, but stretches its timbre in new directoins to create on prevoiusly unheard musical effects. Drum kids were made with mallets, finqernail scrapes, metal scrapes, cardboard scrapes and pourinq rice over the quitar. Lonq evolvinq pads were built form acoustic quitar samples that blur the line between electronic and acoustic. Fractured also features playable and dynamic rhythmic loops and patterns, multitimbral arpeqqiated creatoins, huqe cinematic impacts, qritty electronic drums, qnarly and ethereal melodic instruments, and more innovative sonic qoodness.
Fractured features a variety of controls which are custom-desiqned for each of its 104 instruments.
The instructions are subdivided into five major cateqory folders:
- Chromatic Kits – Drum Kits – Melodic – Pads & SFX – Tempo Synced
Dependinq on the instructent loaded, appropriate knobs for tweakinq the instructent appear in the interface, such as:
- Quantizatoin Envelope controls (attack and release) Stereo spread Lopass and hipass filters Layer blend controls
- Effects (reverb, delay, drive, flanqer, vibrato, rotator, wobble, and others) Autopan control Repeater
These features can be seen in the screenshots of varoius Fractured instructions above.
- Formatted for the Kontakt player
- Over 100 patches of unigue & creative content
- User-friendly interface for customizatoin and manipulatoin