雷击鼓是用附着在皮肤上的弹簧制成的,因此摇动时,弹簧会移动并在乐器的主体中产生连续的共鸣。这样产生的声音非常像雷声。鼓的形状和大小各有不同,有时还被其他名称称为Thunder Tube,Spring Drum或Thunder Maker。
对于此乐器,我们使用接触式麦克风录制了各种隆隆声,雷声,打击声和特殊效果。由于打算对样品进行操作,音调偏移和扭曲,因此以96 kHz的频率进行记录。以全分辨率工作时,声音的音调可能非常低,但仍具有一些有趣的高频内容。
Soniccouture的Focus KSP脚本非常适合处理大量样本。使用Thunder Drum,您可以从一台乐器中映射的127个不同样本开始。因此,您可以弹奏每个键并听到不同的声音。非常适合引人注目,但不适用于创造性地处理样本。这就是它变得聪明的地方-如果您弹奏琴键并且喜欢听到的声音,只需单击“焦点”按钮。现在,声音会自动映射到整个键盘上,因此您可以在不同的音位上演奏,制作音色等。
686 MB核心库
需要 Kontakt 4或5-与免费的Kontakt Player
4 不兼容。现在,单个声音已映射到整个键盘,以C3为中心。
A Thunder Drum is made with a spring attached to the skin, so when it is shaken the spring moves and creates a continuous resonance through the body of the instrument. This results in a sound very much like thunder. The drums come in various shapes and sizes, and are sometimes known by other names such as Thunder Tube, Spring Drum, or, Thunder Maker.
For this instrument we recorded a variety of rumbles, peals of thunder, strikes, and special effects using contact mics. As the samples were intended to be manipulated, pitch shifted and mangled, the recordings were made at 96 kHz. The sounds can be pitched very low and still have some interesting high frequency content when working at full resolution.
Focus Sample Mapping
In the past, large sample sets of unpitched ‘special effect’ type sound were not easy to work with. Either you were given one huge folder of samples to sort through and try to make some sense of, or you might have a single sample mapped in each preset – meaning you’d have to slowly auditon each preset to find something you want.
Soniccouture’s Focus KSP Script makes it a pleasure to work with large groups of samples. With Thunder Drum, you start with 127 different samples all mapped in one instrument. So, you can play each key and hear a different sound. Great for audtioning, but not so handy for working creatively with a sample. This is where it gets clever – if you play a key and like the sound you hear, simply hit the ‘Focus’ button. Now that sound is automatically mapped across the whole keybaord, so you can play it at different ptiches, make a patch, etc etc.
How Focus Mapping Works :
- Audition all 127 sounds mapped in one keyboard instrument
- Find a sound you like
- Hit ‘Focus’ button
Kontakt Library Specs
686 MB core library
24 bit 96khz Sampling
KSP Focus Mapping Interface ( see overview page)
Effects section with custom convolution reverb IRs
40 Sound Design Presets
Requires Kontakt 4 or 5 – NOT compatible with free Kontakt Player
- The single sound is now mapped across the entire keyboard, centered on C3.