Fracture Sounds ARCO Bowed & Plucked Piano Ensemble KONTAKT拉弦和弹拨钢琴合奏

图片[1]-Fracture Sounds ARCO Bowed & Plucked Piano Ensemble KONTAKT拉弦和弹拨钢琴合奏 | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网

大小:5.33 GB

ARCO – 拉弦和弹拨钢琴合奏

Arco 是由四架钢琴组成的美丽合奏,在音乐厅中精心采样,具有一系列弓弦和拨弦的演奏技巧。Arco 非常适合戏剧性的膨胀、闪烁的纹理和丰富的旋律线条。经过一年多的制作,这是同类产品中的第一款,Arco 独特的声音风味将成为任何作曲家工具箱中受欢迎的补充。在Kontakt 5.3或更高版本中运行。

Arco 的声音可以被描述为钢琴和弦乐合奏的混合体。我们拿了四架钢琴(两架三角钢琴和两架立式钢琴),把它们放在音乐厅里,用一系列技巧演奏每个音符。经过数周的计划和试验,我们决定使用尼龙钓鱼线,涂有两种松香——低音松香用于下段,大提琴松香用于上段。

除了弓形发音之外,该库还包含合奏弹拨、专门编写的弹拨颤音以及一系列无调和任意 FX 和滑音。

考虑到现代电影、电视和游戏作曲家而开发,Arco 具有极高的开箱即用性,并具有用于控制性能的干净、易于访问的用户界面。

图片[2]-Fracture Sounds ARCO Bowed & Plucked Piano Ensemble KONTAKT拉弦和弹拨钢琴合奏 | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网

我们在现代音乐厅录音室度过了 3 天,通过原始信号路径(DAV 前置放大器、RME 转换器)使用 20 个顶级麦克风(包括 Neumann、DPA、Royer、Coles 和 Schoeps)录制合奏。我们选择的大厅具有美味丰富、厚实但相当短的混响尾音,非常适合营造距离感,同时又足够干燥,可以添加您自己的混响来品尝。随附的三个麦克风混音可以轻松为您的音乐拨入完美的声音,而独特的“透视”控件为您提供了一个滑块,可以轻松地在近距离或远距离混音之间切换。

图片[3]-Fracture Sounds ARCO Bowed & Plucked Piano Ensemble KONTAKT拉弦和弹拨钢琴合奏 | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网

3 个可混音麦克风位置,包括我们的简易透视混音器。
鼓舞人心的演奏范围:延音、软和硬 spiccato、拨弦和颤音。
高质量的 24 位样本。
6GB 下载大小(NCW 从 11GB 样本池压缩)。
需要完整版的 Kontakt 5.3 或更高版本

图片[4]-Fracture Sounds ARCO Bowed & Plucked Piano Ensemble KONTAKT拉弦和弹拨钢琴合奏 | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网

ARCO – Bowed & Plucked Piano Ensemble

Arco is a beautiful ensemble of four pianos, meticulously sampled in a concert hall with a range of bowed and plucked articulations. Arco is perfect for dramatic swells, shimmering textures and lush melodic lines. Over a year in the making, and the first of its kind, Arco’s unique sonic flavours will be a welcome addition to any composer’s toolbox. Runs in Kontakt 5.3 or above.

About ARCO

The sound of Arco could be described as a hybrid between a piano and a string ensemble. We took four pianos (two grands and two uprights), put them in a concert hall and performed each note with a range of techniques. After weeks of planning and experimenting, we settled on using nylon fishing line, coated in two types of rosin – bass rosin for the lower range and cello rosin for the upper range.

In addition to bowed articulations, the library also contains ensemble plucks, a specially scripted plucked tremolo, and a range of atonal and aleatoric FX and glissandi.

Developed with the modern film, TV and game composer in mind, Arco is extremely playable out-of-the-box, and features a clean, accessible user interface for controlling the performance.

The Recording
We spent 3 days in a modern concert hall recording studio, recording the ensemble with 20 top-shelf microphones (including Neumann, DPA, Royer, Coles and Schoeps), through a pristine signal path (D.A.V. pre-amps, RME converters). The hall we chose features a deliciously rich, thick, yet fairly short reverb tail, perfect for creating a sense of distance while being dry enough to add your own reverb to taste. The three included microphone mixes make it easy to dial in the perfect sound for your music, and the unique ‘perspective’ control gives you a single slider to easily shift between a close or distant mix.

Meticulously recorded in a modern concert hall environment.
3 mixable microphone positions, including our easy perspective mixer.
Separate ribbon mic patches for a warmer character.
Range of inspiring articulations: Sustain, soft and hard spiccato, plucked, and tremolo.
Atonal/Aleatoric effects.
Smooth dynamic morphing with the mod wheel.
‘Texture’ control for morphing between different performance styles.
Simple and user-friendly interface.
High quality 24-Bit samples.
6GB download size (NCW compressed from 11GB sample pool).
Requires the full version of Kontakt 5.3 or above.

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