Do you have trouble getting your 808 or sub bass to bang through like the pros on any sound system? In this course, Josh Isaacs will walk you through his 5 favorite mixing tips and tricks for getting your 808s to hit hard and push through, no matter the setting.
Part 1: Introduction
In this video, Josh introduces the overall theme for the course and discusses what will be learned in later chapters.
Part 2: Psychoacoustics
In this lesson, Josh explains the definition of Psychoacoustics and how it applies to making your 808 stand out, even on lower quality speakers and headphones.
Part 3: Carving out space in the mix
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to make room for your 808 in the mix using various techniques and plugins, including EQ, Sidechain Compression, and the plugin TrackSpacer.
Part 4: Adding overtones to your 808
In this lesson, Josh discusses what overtones are, and techniques for adding them to your 808 to make it punch through in the mix.
Part 5: Compression
In this lesson, Josh discusses compression and some techniques for using compression to make your 808 clear and heavy.
Part 6: Layering
In this lesson, Josh shows some layering tricks that he uses to help the 808 sit well in the mix and be heard in any situation.
Part 7: Stereo Width
In this lesson, Josh explains how using stereo width correctly can help make your 808 sound much larger and wider.
Part 8: Conclusion
In this video, Josh recaps what you’ve learned and concludes the course.