大小:11.78 GB
我们的主要思想是录制不同类型的管弦乐打击乐集,适合各种动态音乐,特别是电影音乐。该库具有多个动态级别(从非常软的 ppp 到爆破 f),并且具有多个循环(这意味着每个仪器都有分配给它的唯一样本,每次按键时都会更改)。我们还包括新的和尚未采样的乐器,如东正教钟,以及各种乐器尺寸的低音鼓和两个提姆帕尼,以最大的灵活性。以下是库的接口外观:
X3M 打击引擎
我们引擎背后的概念相当简单 – 它由 12 个区域,您分配不同的修补程序。在决定选择的模板后,只需插入并播放 – 不需要或预期任何其他内容。
加载管弦乐打击 X3M 时,会自动加载工作站的”样本”文件夹中的所有样本。然而,仪器的构建方式,不仅有一个补丁与所有类型的打击乐,你可能需要,你也有一个补丁,是优化和友好的内存的容量。有关详细信息,请参阅我们准备的 .pdf 手册。它位于此概述页面的底部。
About Orchestral Percussion X3M
The concept behind ORCHESTRAL PERCUSSION X3M is not only to introduce different types of orchestral percussion recorded in a dry, still lively room, but also to allow for the creation of more unique instrument combinations, as well as some new additions as far as sounds and effects are concerned.
Our main idea was to record different kinds of orchestral percussion sets, suitable for all kinds of dynamic music and especially cinematic music. The library has multiple dynamic levels (from very soft ppp to blasting ffff) and has multiple round-robins (meaning that each instrument has unique samples assigned to it that get changed every time you press a key) . We also included new and not yet sampled instruments like Orthodox Church Bells as well as various instrument sizes for the Bass Drum and two Timpanis for maximum flexibility. Here is what the library’s interface looks like:
The X3M Percussion Engine
The concept behind our engine is fairly simple – it is made of 12 zones that you assign different patches to. After you’ve decided on the template of your choosing, just plug in and play – nothing else is needed or expected.
When you load up Orchestral Percussion X3M, you automatically load all samples that are inside your workstation’s “samples” folder. However, the instruments are built in such a way that not only do you have a single patch with all types of percussion you might need, you also have a patch that is optimized and friendly to your RAM’s capacity. For more info, please refer to the .pdf manual we’ve prepared for you. It’s at the bottom of this overview page.