![图片[1]-古老的鼓Silence Other Sounds CARTAGO [KONTAKT] | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](https://www.audioba.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/19122455_silenceother-sounds-cartago.png)
P2P | 19 December 2024 | 7.94 GB
P2P |19 年 12月 2024 日 |7.94 吉字节
CARTAGO – Ancient Drums of the Future
CARTAGO – 未来的古老鼓
Cartago is a Kontakt library built around an extensive collection of ancient, modern, and custom-designed cinematic percussions. Created in collaboration with renowned sound designer Stefano Maccarelli – whose acclaimed works include the Ethera vocal library series, Elements, Kepler, and many more – Cartago offers a rich array of meticulously crafted sounds organised in two highly powerful Kontakt instruments.
Cartago 是一个 Kontakt 库,围绕着大量古老、现代和定制设计的电影打击乐而构建。Cartago 是与著名声音设计师 Stefano Maccarelli 合作创建的 – 他广受好评的作品包括 Ethera 声乐库系列、Elements、Kepler 等等 – 提供一系列精心制作的声音,由两种非常强大的 Kontakt 乐器组织。
Cartago features a wide selection of both acoustic and designed percussive instruments, from classic orchestral bass drums, timpani, and snares to custom Roman Timpana and various frame drums. Traditional world instruments are also well represented, including Japanese Taikos, Middle-Eastern darbukas, and West African djembes, alongside rare idiophones like the crotala, tintinnabula, sistrum, and scabellum.
Cartago 拥有多种原声和设计打击乐器,从经典的管弦乐低音鼓、定音鼓和军鼓到定制的罗马定音鼓和各种框架鼓。传统的世界乐器也得到了很好的代表,包括日本太鼓、中东 darbukas 和西非非洲鼓,以及稀有的惯用琴,如 crotala、tintinnabula、sistrum 和 scabellum。
Cartago is structured into two versatile instruments: the Acoustic Percussions Sequencer and the Designed Drums Kit. Both instruments are designed for an intuitive, composer-friendly experience, enabling seamless percussion sequencing and drum design that’s as creative as it is efficient.
Cartago 由两种多功能乐器组成:Acoustic Percussions Sequencer 和 Designed Drums Kit。这两款乐器都旨在提供直观、对作曲家友好的体验,实现无缝的打击乐音序和鼓设计,既有创意又高效。
The Acoustic Percussions Sequencer instruments features 51 multi-sampled drums.
Acoustic Percussions Sequencer 乐器具有 51 个多采样鼓。
Each drum features 12 round robins, up to 7 dynamic levels and 3 microphone positions (Close 1, Close 2, Room). The microphone position of Close 1 and Close 2 changes according to the sampled drum: for frame drums, they respectively correspond to front and back, whereas other configurations are used for drums of different size and shape.
每个鼓具有 12 个循环、最多 7 个动态电平和 3 个麦克风位置(Close 1、Close 2、Room)。Close 1 和 Close 2 的麦克风位置根据采样的鼓而变化:对于框架鼓,它们分别对应于前鼓和后鼓,而其他配置则用于不同大小和形状的鼓。
For each drum, 3 different kind of hit have been recorded: for larger drums like Taikos, Bass drums or bigger frame drums, these correspond to Centre, Middle and Border respectively, whereas other articulations are featured for smaller drums.
对于每个鼓,都录制了 3 种不同类型的打击:对于较大的鼓,如 Taikos、Bass 鼓或较大的框架鼓,它们分别对应于 Center、Middle 和 Border,而其他运法则适用于较小的鼓。
The instrument features 3 independent layers, in order to combine different percussive sounds, with a total of 9 different sounds that can be played simultaneously from the keyboard.
该乐器具有 3 个独立的层,以便组合不同的打击乐声音,总共有 9 种不同的声音可以从键盘同时演奏。
Moreover, the Acoustic Percussions Sequencer features a multistep sequencer based on multiple interchangeable patterns in real time, and further controls like Expression , Tightness and Scale for a further, more expressive dynamic control.
此外,Acoustic Percussions Sequencer 具有基于多个实时可互换模式的多步音序器,以及 Expression 、 Tightness 和 Scale 等更多控件,以实现更进一步、更具表现力的动态控制。
The Designed Drums Kit is a sound design oriented instrument that features over 2200 one-shot samples. It has been designed to creatively layer and manipulate pre-designed drum and percussive samples and playing them in a finger-drumming MPC fashion. In fact, the Designed Drums Kit is based on 16 independent pads (on the left of the GUI) to which a sound can be loaded.
Designed Drums Kit 是一款以声音设计为导向的乐器,具有超过 2200 个一次性采样。它旨在创造性地分层和操作预先设计的鼓和打击乐样本,并以指鼓 MPC 的方式播放它们。事实上,Designed Drums Kit 基于 16 个独立的打击垫(位于 GUI 的左侧),可以将声音加载到这些打击垫上。
The basic concept of the Designed Drums Kit can be summarised as: load any sound to any pad, map any pad to any key on your MIDI controller. Do you want to have an instrument with 16 different kick sounds? You can. Do you want to load the very same snare sample on each of the 16 pads and manipulate it independently per pad? You can. You want to create your own kit by exploring the vast selection of one-shots? You can.
Designed Drums Kit 的基本概念可以概括为:将任何声音加载到任何打击垫上,将任何打击垫映射到 MIDI 控制器上的任何键。你想要一个有 16 种不同脚鼓声音的乐器吗?您可以。您是否想在 16 个打击垫中的每一个上加载完全相同的军鼓采样,并为每个打击垫独立操作它?您可以。您想通过探索大量的 one-shot 来创建自己的套件吗?您可以。
– The samples in the Acoustic Percussions Sequencer are compressed in .ncw format.
– Acoustic Percussions Sequencer 中的样本以 .ncw 格式压缩。
– The samples in the Designed Drums Kit are regular .wav files and are accessible from the samples folder. They can be used outside of Kontakt.
– Designed Drums Kit 中的采样是常规的 .wav 文件,可以从采样文件夹中访问。可以在 Kontakt 之外使用。
Requires the FULL version of Kontakt 6.8.0 (or above)!
需要完整版的 Kontakt 6.8.0(或更高版本)!