![图片[1]-Ilya Efimov Rock Bass KONTAKT摇滚贝斯 | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](https://xdssyyw.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Ilya-Efimov.jpg)
大小:5.84 GB
像我们以前所有的低音库,这是容易和直观的使用,由于一个复杂的算法,自动选择字符串,改变在风板的左侧位置,并打开/关闭legato实时。和以前一样,三种游戏技巧包含在一个单一的补丁中 – 挑选,拍打,手掌静音和额外的发音。习惯开放字符串模式,和弦检测模式和X音符模式也在那里,以及重复键和FX噪声控制。
然而,伊利亚埃菲莫夫摇滚低音引入了一些新的功能 – 如下冲程模式,允许播放稳定的低音部分,所以在硬摇滚音乐中通常。还添加了一个回顾性循环算法,每次新样本避免”机枪效应”时触发,即使您继续以相同的速度按键。此外,一个特殊的钥匙开关现在提供将循环序列重置为初始位置。现在你可以摇滚了!!!
![图片[2]-Ilya Efimov Rock Bass KONTAKT摇滚贝斯 | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](https://xdssyyw.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/rock-bass-box.png)
Ilya Efimov Rock Bass is a unique addition to the line of our bass libraries. It captures the sound of a hi-end Sadowsky NYC 5 string bass played with a pick (plectrum). Not to mention that Sadowsky company itself is a respected bass guitars manufacturer, moreover the particular instrument used for sampling had strong low-end punch accompanying with great tightness. Due to such distinct and balanced tone many famous rock and pop musicians made they choice in favor Sadowsky instruments. We know that some our customers have been longing for such kind of sampled bass.
Like all our previous bass libraries this one is easy and intuitive to use due to a sophisticated algorithm, which automatically selects strings, changes left-hand position on the fretboard and turns on/off legato in real time. And as before three playing techniques are included in a single patch – pick, slap, palm-mute and additional articulations. Customary Open String mode, Chord Detection mode and X-note mode are also there, as well as Repetition keys and FX noises controls.
However Ilya Efimov Rock Bass introduces some new functions – like Downstroke mode, allowing playing steady bass parts so usual in hard rock music. Also there was added a retrospective round-robin algorithm, triggering each time a new sample avoiding “machine-gun effect” even if you keep pressing a key at the same velocity. Plus a special keyswitch now provides resetting of the round robin sequence to the initial position. So now you can Rock!!!