Soundiron Apocalypse Percussion Elements v1.5 KONTAKT启示元素打击乐

图片[1]-Soundiron Apocalypse Percussion Elements v1.5 KONTAKT启示元素打击乐 | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网

大小:2.24 GB

Apocalypse Elements is a potent selection of aggressive soundtrack drums and cymbals for the free Kontakt Player, Komplete Kontrol and the S-Series Keyboard platform by Native Instruments. This library is an epic percussion powerhouse built for efficient workflow and incredible sound, with over 40 different drums, over 100 articulations, deep dynamic layering and 8 round-robin variations per velocity.
Apocalypse Percussion Elements – APE Series – virtual instrument sample library for Kontakt by Soundiron
You’ll find thunderous ensemble and solo bass drums, roaring ensemble and solo toms of all sizes, a massive 8-member snare ensemble and 6 different solo snares ranging from deep 14” wooden bodied snares all the way down to tiny 5” effect snares, ethnic drums of all shapes and sizes, clicks, clacks, hi-hats, stick and mallet rides, crashes, splashes, hybrid China crash, fx cymbals, gongs, Tibetan finger cymbals and much more.
Apocalypse Percussion Elements – APE Series – virtual instrument sample library for Kontakt by Soundiron
Built from our epic percussion flagship – the 25 GB Apocalypse Percussion Ensemble – this lighter edition is slimmed down to the put maximum punch into a compact footprint and unbeatable price point accessible to everyone. Focusing on a close/stage stereo mic position and standard single-stroke multisampled articulations, it’s built to be immediately intuitive and easy to play.
Apocalypse Percussion Elements – APE Series – virtual instrument sample library for Kontakt by Soundiron

你会发现雷鸣般的合奏和独奏低音鼓, 咆哮的合奏和各种大小的独奏,一个巨大的8名成员的圈套合奏和6个不同的独奏圈套,从深14″木质的木质圈套一路向下到微小的5″效果圈套,各种形状和大小的民族鼓,点击,clacks,高帽子,棍子和木锤骑,崩溃,飞溅,混合中国崩溃,fx cymbals,锣,藏族手指圆环和更多。

由我们的史诗打击乐旗舰 – 25 GB启示打击乐合奏 – 这个更轻的版本是瘦身到把最大的冲头到一个紧凑的足迹和无与伦比的价格点,每个人都可以访问。专注于近/级立体声麦克风位置和标准单冲程多采样铰接,它构建为立即直观和易于播放。

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