Spectrasonics Keyscape v1 5 1c WIN-josenacha
Spectrasonics Omnisphere Patch Library v2 8 2c Update WIN MAC
Spectrasonics Omnisphere Soundsource Library Update v2 6 2c WIN MAC
Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2 8 6c WIN-josenacha
Spectrasonics Trilian v1 6 5c WIN-josenacha
Spectrasonics Keyscape Soundsource Library Update v1 5 0c WIN MAC-R2R
Spectrasonics Keyscape Patch Library Update v1 6 0c WIN MAC-R2R
Spectrasonics Keyscape v1 5 0c Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R
2023-05-21更新 Spectrasonics Keyscape Patch Library 1 6 0c Update WIN MAC
Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2 8 5f WIN MAC-MORiA
Spectrasonics Keyscape v1 5 0c
Spectrasonics Keyscape v1 3 4d Inc Patched and Keygen-R2R
Spectrasonics Omnisphere Patch Library Update v2 8 1c-R2R
Spectrasonics Stylus RMX v1 10 4d Inc Patched and Keygen-R2R
Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2 8 5e Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R
Spectrasonics Trilian v1 6 4d Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R
2023-03-10更新Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2 8 5e WIN MAC-MORiA
2023-03-03更新Spectrasonics Keyscape v1 3 4d
2023-02-27更新 Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2 8 5d
2023-01-31更新Spectrasonics Omnisphere Patch Library Update v2 8 1c WIN MAC-MORiA
2023-01-29更新Spectrasonics Keyscape v1 3 4c Win-MORiA Spectrasonics Trilian v1 6 4c Win MORiA
2023-01-26 更新Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2 8 5c
2022-09-25 更新 大气合成器
Spectrasonics Trilian v1 6 3d macOS WIN
Spectrasonics Keyscape v1 3 3d macOS WIN
Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2 8 4d MAC WIN
2022-08-20 更新
Spectrasonics Keyscape v1 3 2d Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R
Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2 8 3d Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R
Spectrasonics Trilian v1 6 2d Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R
2022.7.11更新Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2 8 3d Software Update macOS
2022.6.26更新Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2 8 3d WiN-MORiA
2022-04-27更新MAC版 Spectrasonics Latest Bundle v26 04 2022 macOS INTEL-MORiA
2022-04-13 tylus RMX v1 10 2d Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R
Spectrasonics Trilian v1.6.1c 包括补丁和 Keygen-R2R
Spectrasonics Stylus RMX v1.10.2c 包括补丁和 Keygen-R2R
Spectrasonics Keyscape v1.3.1c 包括补丁和 Keygen-R2R
Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2.8.2c 包括补丁和 Keygen-R2R
Spectrasonics Keyscape Patch Library Update v1 3 4c WIN OSX-R2R
Spectrasonics Keyscape v1 3 0f Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R
Spectrasonics Omnisphere Patch Library Updatev2 8 0c WIN OSX-R2R
Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2 8 1c Incl Patched and Keygen READ NFO-R2R
Spectrasonics Stylus RMX Data Update v1 10 0c WIN OSX-R2R
Spectrasonics Stylus RMX v1 10 0f Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R
Spectrasonics Trilian Patch Library Update v1 6 0c WIN OSX-R2R
Spectrasonics Trilian v1 6 0f Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R
Spectrasonics Keyscape 补丁/音源库 v1.1.3c/v1.0.4d 更新 WiN/OSX
Keyscape 补丁 1.3.4c – 11-9-21 – 修复了补丁“Harmochord – Dronescape Deep”中可能出现音频故障的问题
Keyscape Soundsources 1.0.4d – 11-9-21 – 修复了“Wing Upright Piano ^ Mono”声源上的故障-“LA Custom C7”声源的改进
Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2.8.1c MAC WIN
Spectrasonics Trilian Update 1.6.0f (Mac).7z |
Spectrasonics Trilian Update 1.6.0f (Win).7z |
Trilian Patch Library Update 1.6.0c.7z |
Trilian Soundsource Library Update |
Spectrasonics Stylus RMX Update 1.10.1e (Mac).7z |
Spectrasonics Stylus RMX Update 1.10.1e (Win).7z |
Omnisphere Patch Library Update 2.7.0c.7z |
Omnisphere Soundsource Library Update 2.6.1c.7z |
Spectrasonics Omnisphere Update 2.7.0f (Mac).7z |
Spectrasonics Omnisphere Update 2.7.0f (Win).7z |
Keyscape Patch Library Update 1.3.3c.7z |
Keyscape Soundsource Library Update 1.0.3c.7z |
Spectrasonics Keyscape Update 1.3.0f (Mac).7z |
Spectrasonics Keyscape Update 1.3.0f (Win).7z |
2021.2.18 已更新仅WIN 【Omnisphere2 Software update 2 6 4d Keyscape Software update 1 2 1d Trilian Software 1 5 0e Stylus RMX Software 1 9 9c2】
2020.11.25 已更新 支持Mac bigsur 11系统 下载中含有老版本的安装包和音色库,音色库已解压版本为优化版,需要完整版的可以下载完整版音色库自行解压。含有60G大气70套额外扩展
Omnisphere Software 2.6.4c
Keyscape Software 1.2.0c
Patches 1.3.2c
Trilian Software 1.5.0d
Patches 1.5.0f
Spectrasonics 的虚拟乐器 Keyscape、Omnisphere 2、Trilian 和 Stylus RMX 的 Windows 和 Mac 版本都增加独立运行程序了,现在新的功能已经作为更新为用户提供下载。
![图片[1]-四巨头音源全套 大气合成器 特洛伊贝斯Spectrasonics 2.8.6c Keyscape 1.5.0c & Trilian 1.5.1c Stylus RMX1.6.5c 稳定版PC/MAC | 音色插件资源网-音色插件资源网](http://www.audioba.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/WechatIMG2-2-1024x1024.jpeg)
Spectrasonics 公司表示,这将就可以不依赖于 DAW(数字音频工作站)的情况瞎来演奏回放了,这为现场音乐人提供了更加简单的解决方案。新的独立运行程序的重点是使用快捷,性能高,音质出色。
此外 Omnisphere 2.4 和 Keyscape 1.1 更新还允许任意音色或多个音色通过 MIDI Program Changes、CC 信息或甚至通过键盘触发音符来选择。 这个新功能创建自定义设置也很简单,这样你在现场就可以从控制器可快速的改变音色,或从 DAW 歌曲中快速更改音色了。对于有视觉障碍需要物理触觉来控制的人士来说也是一个特别有用的功能。
Omnisphere 2 和 Keyscape 现在还包含了 Spectrasonics 全新的“智能更新”系统,这让更新 Spectrasonics 乐器更加简单。通过这些新版本,点击 Splash Pane 中的“Get Updates”按钮即可打开智能更新页面进行相应的下载了。